Friday, May 31, 2024

More Progress

Today was a stay-at-home day for Woody. I had an appointment this morning and several errands to run...all successfully completed. And...I managed to be home for three very important phone calls. The first one came from one of Woody's dialysis nurses. She had news that they had transport set up for Woody...BUT...he would need to move to Monday, Wednesday, Friday for his treatments as the transport dosn't run on Saturday. We accepted that change, which put it back in her court to coordinate times between the center and the transport. The next call was from the nurse saying that his new time would be on at 12:30pm and that transport would pick him up at 11:45 starting Monday. She did offer for him to start today, but we thought it best to go on and complete this week on the Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday schedule and have Sunday off and begin Monday with the new schedule. So...super early mornings will be no more for least for the time being! Now...for me...early morning appointment will happen this coming Tuesday. The third call was the surgery center, where I will have my cataract surgery. She got all pertinent questions answered and information filled for Tuesday morning. And, she gave me my time to be there...6:15 am. I am very fine with that...the sooner the better as far as I am concerned. I would rather be early in his surgery day than later after he has done several and "might" be tired!!!! The main reason is that I will just be glad to get there and get it over! Definitely we saw more progress. Woody has taken it easy today...his major efforts (and, mine) were getting from couch to recliner and later in the day from recliner to couch...both successfully done. Oh, and, another bit of progress, I think that Nathan ordered a sling for the lift he got yesterday. He checked out what were offered for this particular lift and found the kind that he thinks will work best...time will tell. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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