Friday, May 17, 2024

Fairly Fine Friday

Things can't be totally fine around here...but all in all a pretty good non-dialysis day. It has been a bit of a dreary day...but one good thing about the day is that it wasn't a total washout. I was able to get to the grocery store and back home without it raining on me. When bringing in the groceries, it did start to sprinkle on me when I was bringing in the last bags. So I really didn't get wet at all. I just got finished cooking a month's worth of sausage patties for Woody's breakfasts. Woody did his usual crossword puzzles...the Los Angeles Times, Boston Post, The Plain Dealer, and USA Today. Tomorrow is the hard day for two of those puzzles...he often comes home with next to no answers in one of them...then it is even hard to finish it with Alexa's help! The one puzzle is called The Saturday Stumper. I think a lot of entertainment clues...which are definitely not his choice for puzzles! He has watched his usual TV during the day. He moved over to the couch several hours ago...I think he was ready for the day to end...or thought that it was the middle of the night. I hope I got him straightened out on what day it is and what time of the day it is. But with sleep, who knows whether he will realized that when he awakens that it is a dialysis day...that is if he waits to wake up till the middle of the night. Our one downer of the day was that he decided to transfer without my help first thing this morning...guess he got impatient that I wasn't downstairs yet. I was awake and was just about to run off his puzzles when I heard the thump. Had to put in a call to Nathan and he and Elijah came, once again, to our rescue. Nathan has been texting me about types of lifts that may be able to help us. On dialysis days I am usually down before he is actually awake since I come down so early with our new hopefully he will still be on the couch when I get downstairs in the morning! I did manage to complete a cross stitch piece today...but then forgot to purchase the item I need to completely finish it. I spent time this afternoon looking for instructions on hem stitching...that I knew I had...but couldn't put my finger of the book. After looking in several places, I finally remembered where it might be and I found it there. I had fun looking at the magazines that I was looking through to find other instructions to use if I couldn't find the book. All that is put away and the book I wanted all along is now where I can look at it when I settle into my recliner later. I have put out several small cross stitched items that I have stitched to do some finishing on. I'm trying to move some projects along instead of having them just laying around unfinished. Well, I'm off to finish in the kitchen so I can go upstairs and say good-bye to this Friday. The month is marching right along! That means the wedding will be here before we know it! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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