Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Two Down, One to Go

I finished hemming Abigail's wedding gown this morning and then finished Joy's bridesmaid dress just before supper. So "just" Esther's to go...pinning up, basting, machine stitching around the hem twice. Getting closer to seeing them all on the hangers just waiting for the wedding! Today marks the date of one month from the wedding. I guess the count-down for Abigail and Payton is on for real now! In between dress hems, I went to the eye doctor and things are all ready for me to have cataract surgery on my right eyeon June 4th. Woody has had a stay-at-home day...I believe his favorite kind of day lately. He is already on his couch bed watching TV till he falls asleep. I have dressed his leg wound so my "mursing duties" are finished for the night. We will be up dark and early in the morning...just trying to figure out when to set the alarm to make sure that we have plenty of time...but also don't want too much time that will cut into our sleep. It's a fine line. I need to build in "just in case" time, but not an overly generous amount of that kind of time! Hopefully it won't take us too much time to figure out how much time we really need. A lot depends on how Woody is doing in the mornings...on how well he can move and how much he can do to help with the transfers. He gets weaker as the day goes he can usually do a little more a little more easily in the early hours after he has rested. As always...time will tell! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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