Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Passing the Buck!

I guess I should have looked for a photo with a deer in it considering the title of tonight's blog! I will explain the title first thing. Today I put in a call to our PCP since there had been no response to the message that I sent through their app. I was told when I called that sometimes she sees those messages and then others don't get through and that they don't recommend using the message feature of the app (rolling my eyes over that statement). Our doctor has told me to use it in the past...oh, well. I explained to the person answering the phone at her offic that I needed to know how to go about getting a recommendation for a lift for Woody and also for ambulance transfer to and from dialysis. She told me she would let me talk to a nurse. Of course...that transfer went into "leave a message and I'll get back to you." (another eye roll!) But she did get back with me mid afternoon. The nurse said that thes recommendations are done through the dialysis center through the social worker...of course, I was told many weeks ago that the social worker would be calling me...but so far she hasn't. I was also told that we were supposed to have a meeting with "the team" on May 30th...have heard nothing more about that either. I figured that this meeting was going to be the social worker's "call" to us...explaining things that might help us out. Anyway, the dialysis nurse told me were to get the recommend through our PCP and now the PCP's office told us that we are to get it through dialysis. Doing it through dialysis makes so much more sense to me as they are the ones who are aware of just exactly what is going on with him as they see him three times a week for four hours each time he is there. So...I plan to write a note to the dialysis nurse and put it on his clip board in the morning explaining what we were told. "See Saw Margery Daw!" Woody has stayed very quietly on the couch today...hasn't even had the TV on all the time and I'm not sure that he ever finished his dialy puzzles. He has looked at his computer several times trying to find out about the Cardinals games today. But it has been a very quiet day for him. I managed to get the overskirt on Esther's dress hemmed. Now to approach the underskirt and figure out just what exactly how to shorten it at least an inch. At least it is the underskirt and really won't be seen as long as I get it isn't hanging out like it is right now! After lunch, I headed out to get my hair cut. I was ready for a hair cut this time...guess the more humid and warmer weather is doing a number on it. I usually get it cut every four weeks. But this next hair cut is in three weeks because of the wedding And, the way it was this time, I will be ready for that cut in three weeks! I talked to Cheryl today...we get to end out calls with "see you soon!" Not usually what we say at the end of our calls! After my hair cut, I made a stop at Kroger as our Sunday School class has some meals planned for one of our members who had hip replacement surgery yesterday (and, she is home today!). I'm taking a chicken casserole tomorrow so I needed a couple of things in order to make it. I have the casserole all made and in the refrigerator. It is one that is supposed to have it flavors blend over they are blending. I will add a couple of more ingredients before I cook it tomorrow afternoon and then take it over to them. I have started to clean up the kitchen, but took a break to blog and then it is down to face the rest of the mess! Messes like this make me very thankful for a dishwasher. I went many years without...never had one in the two houses we grew up in and then didn't have one till we lived in this house...of course, we have been here a loooooooong time now (40 years this Fall) so have had one for more years than I was without...but am still very thankful for having one! Well, I guess my break is about over! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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