Monday, May 20, 2024

Monday Managed to Arrive Again!

I just got back from Monday Night Furnace Room Prayer Meeting. It was such a nice evening that we decided to have our prayer meeting outside...such a nice breeze and we had surround sound (aka cicadas!). Woody has had a very lazy day. He deicded to stay on the couch all day. He has sat up and moved from one end to the other and back to lie back down. So at this point in the day we have had no transfers...a first in a very long time. One time when I asked him if he wanted to move to his recliner, he said that he did, but that he didn't have the energy at that time...and never found it as the day went on. He has a headache this evening...bad enough that he decided to take some Tylenol. He told me a little while ago that he still had a headache, but that it had lessened. So hopefully he will be able to get a good night's sleep and have it totally gone by morning. After I got breakfast this morning, I decided it was a good time to make a pot of soup that I had planned to add to Woody's selections for meals. He enjoyed it for lunch. I wonder if he will want to continue to eat soup on into the summer! We usually change over to salads which we have already started some in that direction. But Woody stays cold even in the summer due to being on dialysis. I fiddled around with a couple of sewing projects that I plan to do once I have the wedding garments finished. Kathy and Esther came over this afternoon for a hem check. The overskirt is fine where I have it basted, but the underskirt needs to be shortened some since I had to shorten Esther's the most of the girls' dresses. Hopefully I will be able to work on her dress tomorrow. Nathan is planning to come help transfer Woody into his wheelchair then into the car and then out of the car. He may be able to come back when it is time for Woody to come home from dialysis. It is getting to the point that I am really struggling doing the transfers by myself. We did okay uesterday...transferred from chair to wheelchair to bathroom to wheelchair...and then came the trouble...getting from wheelchair to recliner. He seems to want to lead with his head when moving...I think that he feels closer to his goal when his head gets close! BUT that puts his head too far into his transfer and inevitably he ends up with his up against something that keeps him from moving any farther...front, back or to the sides...he gets wedged. That happened yesterday. He was part way into the recliner, but then could move no more and he wasn't in a good position. We reclined the chair and he was sort of set for a while. It was at the end of church time for Nathan and family. I texted Nathan and requested a stop by when he got back in town. I guess that was one way to get to see him on his birthday!!! Not our intention!!!! Hope he wasn't too late for his birthday lunch at home. Kathy and the girls went home in a vehicle and Nathan and the boys headed over here...divide and conquer! Thanks to their "visit" we found out that once again, Woody could watch his Cardinals play on TV...nice...EXCEPT...they lost. Nathan got our TV tuned into the game before they left. So I guess that pretty sums up both yesterday and today. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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