Monday, May 13, 2024

Mid-May Monday

It has been a pretty good day for both of us today. Woody seems a little stronger. This morning he transferred himself from the couch to his recliner with the wheelchair all by himself. He did this before I got downstairs this morning. He still hasn't used the walker in a couple of weeks, but he did seem to be able to help more with all the transfers that I helped him with today. We stayed home but he did move from one spot to another during the day. I have just gotten home from prayer meeting. Woody had supper and got settled on his couch/bed before I left for prayer meeting. He gets pretty weary by the end of each day. We had a really nice day yesterday. Sometime about mid-afternoon, Nathan and some of the grandchildren showed up...our car washing crew and windshield wiper changing crew. Soon Abigail and Payton showed up and then Kathy and the rest of the Dorrell grandchildren showed up. Graham came with a tool kit in hand so he could clean the sensor on one of my cameras. Nathan also got the TV set up so we could watch the Cardinal baseball game...Major League Baseball app were showing all their games for free on Mother's Day. By the end of the game, all the work crew were gathered in the family room watching the game and the Cardinals pulled off a win at the very last of the that made all happy, but especially Woody! So that was my Mothers' Day celebration. I did get Graham's wedding duds finished and sent them off with him when he left. So one part of wedding sewing is complete. Today I dedicated to getting The hem on Joy's bridemaid's dress basted up. I did accomplish takes a looooooong time to go around the hem of that type of dress! First I measured and pinned up the hem, then I basted close to the fold all the way around and then basted all around the top of the hem to keep it from falling down when she tries it on to see if the hem is correct. So the next step for her dress is done...have to wait on her to try it on again before I proceed. So it is hanging back up. I then started getting the sewing machine ready to start the real hemming on Abigail's wedding dress. I have cleaned the machine, changed the needle, threaded it with white and am in the midst of clearing everything off the sewing machine cabinet to give me space for the dress. I am first going to hem the satin underdress...the hem that really doesn't show...of course that is the more stable of the fabrics that I am going to be hemming on her it should be the easiest. The chiffon is more difficult to work with...but...there is a pretty neat method to doing a narrow hem...that has always worked for me before so I am counting on it working for Abigail's dress and for the two bridesmaids dresses...but it still makes me gulp...I will especially gulp with I have to cut off the excess fabric after I make my first stitching step. Sewing on such a long dress with lots of fabric involved makes it a bit more challenging...just being able to manage the extra fabric while I am hemming. I am glad that I don't have to do the entire hems on the wedding dress since the hem moves off into a train...and, don't need to shorten just the front of the dress over to the side seams where the train begins. I guess less hemming on her dress than on her sisters' dresses...but her dress is scarier to do than the bridesmaids' dresses! The bridesmaids' dresses are more flexible than the bridal dress...less heavy. I plan to get to sewing on the bridal dress tomorrow. We still are waiting on Esther's third dress to get here. But plenty to do while awaiting its arrival! I may do a little more cleaning in the sewing room tonight...but I don't plan to start the sewing on the dresses till tomorrow when I am fresher...don't want to do it when I am tired...that would just be asking for trouble! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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