Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Totally Tuesday

Nathan arrived not long after 5am and we were pretty much ready to start on transfers. All I can say is that transfers are so much easier when Nathan does them...now whether he thinks that or not...Once he was in the car, I headed towards the dialysis center with Nathan following. Woody was actually about ten minutes early...for a change. Woody said that the nurse came out to get him pretty soon after we left. I headed home and Nathan headed to the high school track for some early morning exercise. I had breakfast after I got home...how could it not be a good morning when greeted with this colorful array of eggs..made me think of an egg hunt! (Thanks for the colorful eggs, John and Ruth!) Before I went back to pick up Woody, I had machine stitched around the bottom of the hem on Esther's bridesmaid dress for the first time. I then headed out the door to make a stop at Hobby Lobby to pick up Payton and Abigail's wedding sampler...the framing was finished. Then I headed to the dialysis center. I got there a few minutes early so I read. Nathan arrived around 10am and Woody was rolled out in short order. Nathan got him transferred into the car and then out of the car once we got home. So all successful transfers this morning...a big thanks to Nathan! Woody had an aftrer-dialysis snack. I went upstairs and cut off the excess on the hem of Esther's dress...and that is where the dress hemming stopped for the day. I sat down for a couple of minutes aftr I did that and dozed off. When I awoke with a start, I knew that I needed to get a move on to get lunch because Donna and I were meeting in the library at 1pm...well, Donna got there, but I was a few minutes after 1. We did maintenance...quite a few books had been returned. Donna checked them in on the computer and the two of us carded them and shelved them. Then we did one of the fun parts of our library job...shopped for books...online. We found several that we wanted to add to our collection and popped them into the "shopping cart" and I finished the transaction when I got home. More new books will soon be on their way. We got some good books for summer reads...hope we can get them processed before summer ends!!!! After I got home, it was time to take the garbage and recycle to the curb for pickup in the morning. One of my friends made a delivery with a gift for Abigail and Payton and we sat on the front porch and had a nice visit. She is a home health nurse so she helped me know a little more about the lift that has been suggested. She did say that Medicare requires an inperson visit with the PCP...so I guess I will attempt to make an appointment with ours tomorrow...then...to get him there and back!!!! This was my first porch visit of the season...many more to come...I hope! I know that Cheryl is looking forward to her porch time while she is here visiting..just three weeks from today she will be winging her way...getting nearer. That means that two weeks from now my first cataract surgery will be behind us and Melany will be here. Which means that Abigail and Payton's wedding is just about 3-1/2 weeks away...lots to keep up with for us over the next few weeks! Woody and I successfully transferred him to the couch earlier. I think that he only feels "so-so" today...hoping for a better day tomorrow since he has nowhere to go...so far as we know. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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