Thursday, May 23, 2024

More Passing the Buck!

Well...we got Woody to dialysis on time thanks to Nathan's help. And, no thanks to me as I overslept! But we turned to and managed to get him there and a little before time. A nurse was waiting in the treatment room doorway for us...mainly wanting to catch Nathan before he left. They had Nathan transfer him into the dialysis chair and waited to bring Woody after dialysis until Nathan got to the center. While Nathan got him transferred, the social worker came out to talk tome. She says that the PCP is the one who has to evaluate Woody and put in a request for the lift. I told her that I had tried and they had turned it back to dialysis. She said that she would call the doctor's office and attempt to straighten things out. I did find out from her that according to dialysis/medicare standards that Woody does not qualify for ambulance transfer. The rule is that the patient can not be able to sit up in a wheelchair at all...has to be confined to bed to qualify for ambulance transfer. BUT she did say that sometimes PCPs do qualify patients that dialysis isn't able maybe?!? The social worker said she would get back with me if she gets in touch with our PCP...and she has to get in touch today or tomorrow as she will be off next week. She also told me that the team is having an evaluation meeting next week and that they can include me in on the meeting via phone. Supposedly she has put in the request for them to let me know when they will be calling. So there is where we stand...about the same place as yesterday before I put in a call to the doctor's office. Oh, she also said that this lift that they are reommending, they have one at the center and it takes two nurses to be able to lift a patient. So...I guess it will be helpful in helping myself and another person to get him up...but not a lot of help for me here by myself with Woody. Oh, well, not going to worry about that as we are at a stand still, anyway! I have worked on several things today...a gift and also a couple of other things around the house. I did manage to get the casserole in the oven for my friend and delivered to her this afternoon. Which means that I did get several things crossed off my ever growing list of to-dos. I never could see a length of time that would work for me to sit down with Esther's bridesmaid dress...maybe tomorrow after we get home from Woody's wound care appointment. Nathan is going to help get us to and from that appointment, too. The friend, who I took the casserole, has her daughter helping her out after her surgery. I told the daughter that maybe it had something to do with birthdates...both she and Nathan have the same birthday...just month and day...not year. And, both of them are helping out their parents BIG time! She did laugh. She is a few years younger than Nathan, but her brother is close in age to Nathan and Melany...his birth year lands in between Melany and Nathan. Woody and I have known this family since we came to this church...Woody in 1968 and I in a long time. That is the way it with many friends who we first met at church so many years back...lots of strong bonds. We've had a good 55 - 2 years here in Tullahoma. Those two years were spent in California in the San José area = Sunnyvale/Mountainview area...Do you know the way to San José? That was a long time ago...Nathan was born there and we moved back here when he was one. We always knew that we would like to move back to Tennessee if the opportunity arose...and it did and we did move back. So glad we did. We formed a lot of friendships in California, but our hearts never really left Tullahoma. Well, I guess I just chased a rabbit! To be continued! Be safe! Be ell! Be cautious!

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