Monday, May 6, 2024

It’s Official! Congratulations, Graham!

Today has been a wedding dress-strawberry-graduation day. Today was a stay-at-home day...well, sort of...I got up determined to work on the hems of Abigail's wedding dress. At this point I am just basting up the hems so she can come back and try it on again to be sure that we have it right. I was almost finisehd with the satin underskirt (the easy part of the hemming), when Marie called and asked if I wanted to ride with her and Carolyn to get some fresh picked strawberries. I couldn't resist that invitation so put aside the hemming till we got back. By the time we got back it was lunch so right after lunch, I got busy on the hems again. I got the satin hem finished...well basted close to the fold and then at the top of what I turned up. Then it was on to the chiffon overskirts...the overskirt isn't one there are two parts to that hem...and then add on that it is chiffon AND there is a curve that I have to conquer/tame. I have the dress hanging high on the sewing room door so that it can hang down so the chiffon hangs down and I can see what needs to be done on the curves right at the front. The satin underskirt I did with the dress on my couch with me sitting next to the hem area. The problem with the dress hanging is that I have to be "down low" to be able to get to the hem. So I am sitting on a stool out in the hallway outside the sewing room. I sat there for quite a far I don't even have the first half basted close to the folded have the rest of that to do and then go across the top of what I have folded up to keep it up when she is trying it on...then have to do the other side. And, that stool gets pretty hard to get up from it! Kathy sent me the link to be able to watch Graham's graduation ceremony. That started at 3:30...I kept working on the hem until the graduates started to walk to get their diplomas. Now his name starting with a "D" I thought that he would be fairly close to the front of the line...but NO! He was close to the back. I am guessing that they had different types of majors or degrees were put into there they went through the alphabet several times before they finally got to the group where his name came alphabetically. The ceremony was scheduled from 3:30-5 and went to 5:30. The ceremony took place at Middle TN State University gym in Murfreesboro. Here's a picture of his sibblings waiting...still about 15 minutes till Graham finally went across the stage! They don't look too enthusiastic!!!!!
When the ceremony was finally over, I had time to fix Woody's supper before it was time for me to go to prayer meeting. I'm now home and ready to get finished in the kitchen and then head upstairs. Woody is already settled on his bed. We have our first day on the new earlier schedule. I just hope I can get up in time and have us out the door at 5:30 am instead of 6:00 am...not too sure about this new schedule!To be contiued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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