Friday, May 10, 2024

Critters Abound!

We are being blessed with tons of these critters aka Cicadas...I'm not sure is this is the 17-year variety or the 13-year variety...but there are quite a few around and you can definitely hear the in the tree tops! But, so far, we don't have them nearly as badly as Melany does 45 minutes away in Murfreesboro. She has so many that it looks like she has mulched her gardens with cicada shells! Here's a couple of photos that she sent me yesterday.
You are seeing both the shells and what emerged from the shells in her photos. When she is out gardening they actually land on her. If I were she, I would not be gardening, if they landed on me! Well, we have had an interesting day...lots of coming and going and Nathan has been a part of our comings and goings probably more than he would like! First I had to call him around 6:30am to come over as Woody rolled off the couch. Elijah came with him for that trip. Then he came back in time to help us get into the car and into his appointment for wound care. Then he came back when that appointment was over and helped get him in the car and then out of the car and into the house once we got home. The next trip happened before Oncology...once again, he came helped get him in the car and then out of the car at that appointment and then came back at end of appointment and helped us get into and out of the car and into the house. Wound care worked on adjusting his brace which the other gentleman did not do a couple of weeks ago. The doctor was comfortable with him just being careful with his knee. She didn't feel the need for x-ray at this point. She said not a lot to do for it at this point other than a more rigid brace that would keep his knee straight which would really impede movement. He shouldn't put weight on that leg while it is healing. Well, he isn't really since he isn't moving much of anywhere on his own at the moment. That appointment took almost two hours. We came home had lunch and rested until the next appointment. He had labs which did not show that he needs a I guess the weakness is from the knee injury and lack of moving around or???? It was decided at this appointment that he would not continue to get Keytruda since it doesn't seem to be helping...aka...the tumor on his upper left arm continues to grow. So I guess he will continue to go to oncology for them to keep an eye on it...anyway he does have an appointment in three weeks. Almost forgot to mention that Wound Care now has an elevator, an outside modular one, that takes you up to the level that the building is get in before, we had to either climb stairs or go up a long, steep ramp. We took it down when we left today...made the trip to the car much shorter! Definitely an improvement on getting into their building. Well, that about sums up our day...mostly comings and goings. Tomorrow is "just" dialysis. Nathan is coming over in the morning early to help get him into the car and then we are on our own as they have a couple of gigs tomorrow...first ones in Kentucky and then in the afternoon in Shelbyville area. Busy! Busy! I guess you could say more comings and goings for them! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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