Tuesday, May 28, 2024

An Interesting Day,,,

All sorts of things have happened...not sure I can remember all the detaisl..sort of passed in a whirl! Nathan and I got Woody to dialysis a bit early...but they usher him right in as they want Nathan's assistance! I don't know if they start him immediately, but at least they get him in the chair and ready for when they are ready to get his dialysis treatment started. I had plans to do several things today and I have pretty much marked each of those off the list. Donna and I didn't go to the library to work today as the book order hadn't arrived...it did arrive mid-afternoon...so next time we can get together there will be new books to work on. I did some library work at home. I wrote memorial notes to families and to the donors. I have had one task that I have needed to do for a long time...sort through my gift bags. I left them in the guest room so "when I had time" I could work on sorting them and getting rid of some of them. It is getting to the point that this job had to be done since I will have folk needing the guest room over the next few weeks. So it was time to turn to and do the job and I did. I split the bags between me and a yardsale. Nathan told me that Kathy is part of an upcoming yardsale. So I am going to give the rest of the gift bags to them for the sale. I had meant to give them for their last yardsale, but forgot. So a good job done...the gift bags are all sorted according to size for both. Mine are in the Christmas closet and the guest room is closer to ready for guests. Melany will be here next week to help because of my cataract surgery. Then two weeks from now Cheryl will be here for Abigail's wedding. Busy days ahead. The interesting part of the day was several medical calls. I got an email that said that we had a notification from Vanderbilt. I checked and it was for an appointment for rehab evaluation...or some such. That appointment was for July so I wasn't too worried as to just what this was for. But it wasn't long till I had a call from Vanderbilt about said appointment...they had an earlier date and could we come. With this call I found out this is for evaluation for him to get a powered wheel chair. The appointment is now Thursday immediately after dialysis. I guess we will go, though I was told later in the day that a power chair wouldn't help us much...more about that comment in a moment! I got through that conversation and moved on to fixing lunch. After lunch, I decided that I was going to rest for a while. I called my sister and we talked until I got another call...this time from our PCP. I hung up from talking to Cheryl so I could answer her call. She was calling in reference to my message from a week or so ago on their app. She told me that with any of her patients who were on dialysis, that the dialysis center takes care of all extra needs through their social worker. I told her it made sense to me. She wants me to tell Dr. O everything that is going on...espcially that his nurses in the center are depending on Nathan. I'm supposed to talk to him on Thursday and hope the new rehab appointment doesn't mess with that phone call...but it is a phone call so I feel I can take it even if Woody is being evaluated. I am hoping that someone gets in touch with me from dialysis tomorrow telling us a time. If I don't by a certain time, I will attempt to get in touch with someone at the center. So my head is in a bit a spin from all the calls and medical information. Also received a text from the medical supply place saying that they had received an order from us and that it had been sent. Both the medical supply order and the evaluation for wheel chair all came from wound care. They are carrying out what they said they would! Our PCP is who said that she doesn't think that a lift or a power wheel chair is what he needs. Woody has done so-so, but over all has done pretty well. He has felt very sleepy today. He is safely settled on his couch/bed. I am through for the day...cross stitching and reading ahed! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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