Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Quiet Day

We both stayed home all day. Woody stayed put on his couch/bed for the whole at this point I have done no transfers today...a rest for my back, neck, arms, etc! He's worked "at" his crossword puzzles off and on throughout the day. He has dozed, watched a bit of TV, and enjoyed me sharing highlights of the Cardinal's win today. I phoned in some presriptions for Woody which I plan to pick up tomorrow on my way to pick him up from dialysis. "I" cleaned the lower oven in our range...that is I pushed the right buttons and it cleaned itself over a period of time. I have wiped out the remaining gray ash and it really does look very much better! Our sweet neighbor who lives next door in the house that Nathan, Kathy and family used to live in texted today and asked me to tell her about what is growing in the garden that we call "the shared garden" as it straddles our property line. It was put in by the original owner of their home and, I think, the second owner of our home...and it has been the shared garden ever since. She is wanting to work in the garden...weed, plant, etc. I gave her our blessings to do whatever she wanted. I stayed outside and did a little weeding with her...filled a basket with weeds and then called it quits. I was after some horrible weeds that are covered with stickers down even on their roots. I don't want her or their little boy to get into those weeds so I attacked the ones at the front of the garden and showed her that she needed to be really careful when getting rid of them. Woody's bandage is changed on his looks better than the last time that I changed the dressing...thankfully! Also the order for bandages for his wound was put in yesterday and arrived today from Texas...things can move quickly once in a while. The bandages that the medical supply place sent us last were not acceptable after Woody's wound care doctor looked at them closely. So they sent in a request for different ones. These still aren't as good as the ones that the wound care place uses or that I can order, but these will do. I didn't hear this morning from the dialysis center about a time for our phone "meeting" tomorrow so I called them after luck...just had to leave a message and no one ever called back. So I am clueless about tomorrow's meeting as to time. I just hope that it works out since we picked up another appointment. That appointment did sent a confirmation text. Nathan told me that he thinks that he has located a Hoyer lift in the next town over. He said that if it works out, he will pick it up tomorrow. I'm am just trying to envision just where all this equipment that may be coming into our house is going to fit! Guess we may be finding out! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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