Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Battening Down the Hatches

Sounds like we have storms approaching with a lot more tomorrow. they just said that there is a storm heading toward a town down the road from us and that there is a possibility of ping-pong-ball-sized hail. We decided that I should put the car in the garage. I did that and moved the tomato plant that Melany, Wade, and Erin gave me so hopefully it won't get blown over. Not long after I got back inside, it did start raining which didn't last long. It seems that storm has gone south of us and we are not in the path of the severe thunderstorm or hail. More is to come overnight and tomorrow and on into Thursday. Right now there are tornado warnings to the south of us in Alabama. TV programming is stopped so the meterologists can keep folk up to date on the dangerous storms. Now to report on this morning. Things went well and we were right on schedule to be able to walk out the door a little before 5:30...BUT...about 5:10 Woody decided that he needed to go into the bathroom before going to dialysis. I knew that was asking for trouble, since he is having so much trouble transferring from place to place. We attempted it, but he ended up sliding down to the floor between the wheelchair and the toilet. So a call was put into our rescue squad aka Nathan and Kathy (this time). They did manage to get him up. I had called dialysis to tell them that we would be tardy, but would get there as soon as possible. Nathan helped Woody transfer from wheelchair to the car and then he and Kathy followed us to the clinic and Nathan helped him get from car seat to the wheelchair. We got there before his old time...really we got there quicker than I thougt we would. He hadd a successful dialysis treatment. His nurse did tell me that it took three of them to get him into the dialysis chair. I'm beginning to wonder if his difficulty moving is more than just his knee that he twisted last week...I'm womdering if perhaps he is very close to needing another blood transfusion. I know his color isn't the best today...but it could be that the green color of his sweater just isn't "his color!?!" While he was at dialysis I did manage to get the hems on Abigail's wedding dress basted. So the ball is in her court for the next move. She did stop by this evening and had a little time, but she needed to be somewhere and I really didn't want the "push" of needing to get her in and out of the dress in such a short time. She will return! She got what she came for...so this trip wasn't really for a dress try on. I left the house at 10 to pick Woody up. He was finished a little after I got there. I would say that he came out exactly 4 hours after he went in. So day one of the new schedule not the best start for us. We will attempt it again Thursday. Donna and I once again put off the library...I just felt that I needed the time to catch my breath! Phone calling was a part of my afternoon...first I put in a call to the Fresenius (dialysis company) about a dialysis medication that we get from them. I called and ordered it week before last and since it hadn't come and we were getting close to emptying the bottle, I called to check on the status of the order...it was on hold because they hadn't gotten authorization from me...i guess you could say an "okay" that we will pay (not a cheap med). I told her I wouldn't call if I didn't approve...but I know they have to ask if I am willing to pay before they will send...BUT...they never left any messages...just said that they hadn't been able to get in touch with me. Well, we had no calls designated "Fresenius" on missed calls nor did we have any messages. I told them that I ordered in plenty of time so we wouldn't run out. Woody is supposed to take two of these pills with each meal...so we go through them pretty quickly...two very large bottles. They are espediting the shipment...hope they get here before they are gone. I may just give him one with each meal till we have the refill in hand. The other call never happened. They put me on hold for a while and then came on and asked me to leave a message and they would get back with me. They haven't gotten back with me yet...I'm sure it is too late tonight for them to call. We'll see if they follow through or if I will have to call again. This is in reference to a bill they keep sending. A bill that I can find on my EOB and it shows what both companies would pay and what we owe...our box shows a big fat 0 so we owe nothing. I hope they will stop sending us bills for this. I did make two fun calls...talked with Cheryl...we have to get started on our front porch visiting before she gets here! She will be coming for the wedding. She got her tickets yesterday. I also talked to Connie. I'm starting to get things cleared off my sewing machine cabinet. I have certain items on the long cabinet, but will need to have them hidden away while I tug around a long heavy dress at my machine. The wedding is getting closer...as Abigail pointed out this afternoon. She's so happy and so excited! Tomorrow is a stay-at-home day for us. I hope to get some cooking and cleaning done and maybe a little stitching on something random. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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