Friday, May 24, 2024

June Must Be Close

The day lilies are just starting to bloom. They are are June or almost June bloomers. I guess they are right on time. Well, this day has seemed like a day-and-a-half...but I guess it is now coming to a close. Woody had an appointment at Wound Care this was not easy getting him there and he was miserable most of the time that he was there as he was so uncomfortable sitting in his wheelchair. It did get the powers that be at wound care thinking about perhaps he needs a different, more comfortable wheelchair. They are seeing if a recommendation from them will work or if it has to come through our PCP. Here we go again!?! I'm not going to hold my breath. They are also supposed to be ordering a different type of bandage for his leg. The ones that the medicial supply sent are not acceptable to the doctor. Of course, the last time we were there, they were going to order a different kind, but they have never come from the medical supply place. I don't think that the medical supply place wants to send the much more expensive ones. We'll see if this request goes through. The only problem is that we aren't going to be going to see them regularly due to it being so hard for him to go places these days. We are to go back only if I feel like his wound and his leg are getting worse. So we won't be able to follow up on wheelchair or bandages if we aren't going...I will call if needed...they are very helpful and caring health providers. Woody has struggled greatly being moved from one place to another. But Nathan got him to and from wound care and I managed to get him from recliner to couch/bed...none of the transfers were easy on any of us. The last transfer of the day...about a two foot transfer took Woody and me about 30 minutes to complete it...but complete it we did! And, he is all settled for the least I hope he is! He has done a lot of dozing this afternoon after his tiring doctor visit. I asked him how he felt and he said, "blah." I guess that probably describes it very well! I made a quick to the Post Office before lunch and after lunch a very quick stop at the grocery store and then got gas. Other than doing this and that in the kitchen, that is about all I accomplished today. I seem to just be spinning wheels when it comes to getting things done around the house. Oh, well, it will still be here to be done another day! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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