Thursday, May 30, 2024

Progress Or So It Seems!

I'm running late tonight...we just had supper...all our meals have been a bit off since lunch, as we got back so late from the rehab/wheelchair evaluation. Woody left the house around 5:15 this morning and he wasn't back in his chair until between 12:30 and 12:45 this afternoon...that's a long time! He was so tired that he didn't even want to think about food...well, he did have his usual after dialysis snack...though it took him a while to even be interested in that. He had a good dialysis treatment. Instead of going home after dialysis, we headed over to the rehab office which is just down the street. Nathan followed us. Nathan helped us get him in the waiting room and headed off to fill in the time with things he needed to do while waiting on us. The appointment was almost 1-1/2 hours...poor Woody...all slumped over in the wheelchair. But there were lots of questions and other things to check out. The therapist was very helpful and is in the process of getting us hooked up with a company who will be providing the wheelchair. She said that he definitely qualifies to have a wheelchair that reclines and also that the legs come up (like a recliner). She decided features he needs to keep him from getting pressure sores, etc. This wheelchair will be able to be used if he/we need public transportation to get to appointments, etc. It's one that can be secured in a van that is equipped to transport wheelchairs. When I called Nathan to tell him that we were finished with the appointment, I found out that he was in Manchester. He was picking up a lift that he had found, probably on Facebook marketplace...or something like that. It looks brand new. We will have to order slings to use with it...but we now have this device parked in our sunporch. See progress is being made in several areas. After I got Woody settled as in dozing because he was so zapped from all the activity of the morning, I did get a call from the kidney center dialysis team including Dr. O. It wasn't long into our conversation that he said that they were in the process of arranging for ambulance transport to and from dialysis. Praise the Lord!!!! So it didn't take any convincing on my part that this was needed. I don't know when it will begin...but the office manager said that she was going to put in the request today to get the process started. Crossing my fingers that it will take place soon! So we have had a day of things moving forward in getting help with getting Woody from place...a lift to help get him from chair to wheelchair, etc...a powered wheelchair custom fit for him so he will be more comfortable when in it for any length of time. And, the best of all...transport to and from dialysis! So all in all I would say that we have seen progress. Now for it to continue to see this progress progress! This has been a pretty tiring day for both of us so I think I will leave it at that and say..."to be continued!" Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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