Saturday, May 25, 2024

Memories of Yore and Making Memories Today

Thirty-three years ago on this day, Melany and Wade wed. And, today we celebrated our grwduates with a party at their house. The 33-year memory is a good one and today's party is now a good memory of hours. I guess because of the date and because of my current wedding sewing for Abigail's wedding, I have been thinking back to Melany's wedding. I made her whole glad that I am just having to do hemming for Abigail's wedding! Nathan came over this morning and helped transfer Woody from house to car and then at dialysis from car to wheelchair to dialysis chair. The nurses are depending on him for help getting him into and out of the dialysis chair these days. I worked on Esther's bridesmaid's dress inner hem while he was at dialysis. I pressed all around the hem...the problem with this hem is that it is a double hem...not one that I can cut off like the others. I pressed it as well as I could at the edge of the hem...then hung it back on the door and carefully basted close to the edge so it would keep the two layers of fabric together so I could see how much it hung below the outer layer. Once I decided how much to turn up, I brought it downstairs and put it on the oouch so I could pin up the amount I decided..very uneven...but this won't show, but as a shadow...and only you, who read this, would know to look carefully for a wonky hem! So, shhhhhhh, don't tell and don't look if you come to the wedding!!! I decided that the only way to hem this was to hem it by hand...not sure if I will ever get around the skirt...but I think that I am two-thirds around..."just" a third left! Hopefully before I go to bed tonight I will have the hemming done for Abigail's wedding! I "think" that Woody had a little better day (maybe wishful thinking?). But he has seemed more alert this afternoon and managed to get himself positioned in his recliner than he has the last couple of days. He has found a channel that plays Colunbo reruns. I think that he is enjoying them. The Cardinal game started a little while he is periodically in conversation with Alexa finding out the score. Cardinals were ahead for a while, but the last I heard they were tied with the Cubs. Oops the Cubs are ahead...not what he wants Alexa to tell him! At least the TV and Alexa and his computer keep him occupied part of the day. After Woody ate his lunch, I decided to head over to Nathan and Kathy's for the party they were having for their two graduates. It was nice to visit with several people I hadn't seen for a while. Lots of kids running around and I guess there were even a few horse races out in their pasture...I just heard about that...I was an inside party guest! Woody was none the worse for wear when I got home. After I got home I napped a bit and then got going on the hem on Esther's dress. I have cooked some meatballs to put in the freezer to maybe have when Melany and/or Cheryl are here...that way just have to make the gravy and cook the noodles when we decide to have that meal. I am going to go clean the kitchen in a few minutes and call my sister and answer a couple of texts and THEN get back to hemming and hawing! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious.

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