Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 18, cycle 1

Look what came right through Nathan's yard three days ago. I didn't have my long telephoto lens on my camera, so not the best picture, but you can still see the little fellow! I left the birdhouse that is in our garden in the picture to show you how close he was. I happened to look out my kitchen window and saw a deer in Nathan's front yard and ran for my camera. I didn't realize that it was a fawn till I had taken a couple of pictures. He just stopped mid-street and stared at me when he heard our front door open and close. I'm sure that I scared him. I'll bet his mama was ahead of him wondering why he stopped! He walked slowly into the across the street neighbor's yard and continued to walk till he got to the side of their house and then he took off running.
Woody went to work as usual, walked at lunch, came home, sawed another three foot piece off the tree, and then has read and relaxed in his recliner. He continues to feel fair to middlin' as he tells all the techs, nurses and doctors when they ask how he is feeling. They are never sure just exactly what that means! He has to explain that it doesn't mean great nor does it mean bad...but that it means that he is feeling somewhere in the middle...which is a pretty good place to be...especially given his health circumstances.

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