Friday, May 31, 2019

Bidding Adieu to May

And, it must be time for June as our tiger lilies are blooming once again.  They usually put on quite a show around the first of June.  Once again I will say that I can't believe that another month is over for this year...five months have already come and gone this year.  

Woody headed off to do our grocery shopping early this morning.  While he was gone, I got busy and washed the two windows in the kitchen.  It really is an easy task with windows that easily let you get to both sides by "swinging" into the house.  The hardest part is taking the curtains down and then putting the curtains back up...didn't have to do that this time as I am changing the window treatments in our remodeled kitchen...whenever that finally happens.  At least I am a little closer to being ready for the renovation!  I'm ready...just depends on when the cabinets, etc. are ready!  I'm trying to be patient!  

After Woody did our shopping, he headed off to run errands with his friend who has no transportation.  He didn't get home till after noon.  I thought that I heard the mower running this afternoon, but when I asked Woody if he mowed today, he told me no that he had mowed some yesterday...guess I missed hearing the mower running then...because I didn't know that he had.  This afternoon I got three t-shirts hemmed that I "had been meaning to" get hemmed for some time...they had been in a sewing "to-do" pile for quite a while.  Well, I deleted them from that pile and they are now out away ready to be worn.  When I was putting them away I realized that I have another one to had gotten put away and I forgot about needing to hem it.  Maybe I'll prepare it for hemming after I post tonight's blog? 

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Porch Decorations

With the hot weather, Georgia (top) and Peaches (bottom) enjoy hanging out on our front porch.  I have been trying to catch Peaches in this cute pose with her front paws over the bottom railing for a couple of days now.  Usually when I go in to get my camera and then come back out she moves and comes to greet me at the door.  Today she finally stayed so I could snap her picture.  Georgia likes to lie on the glider and let the air move around her through the slats.  Peaches, when she lies on the glider, prefers to lie on a towel...even though she is the longer haired probably hotter!  She has lost the long ruff (mane) around her neck that gets so thick during the winter.  Now the main part of her that tells that she is a long haired cat is her tail.  It remains long and fluffy and something that attracts all the oak "blooms" that drop at this time of the year.  

I did a little more around the house to get ready for kitchen renovation.  Today I removed the knobs from all the cabinet doors...left the knobs on the drawers as they are harder to open without knobs.  And, I also took down the curtains in the kitchen and removed the curtain rods and hardware.  Tomorrow in the cool of the morning, I will attempt to wash the windows in the kitchen.  

Woody has stayed inside for most of the day and avoided the sun.  I think that he did do a little watering in the early hours of the morning.  We're hoping for some rain before too much longer.  The plants would really like a good rain soaked drink!  Woody has been reading today...a book that I finished yesterday and passed on to him to read.  

I'm getting ready to get my serger ready to hem some t-shirts of mine that are too long.  I've got one t-shirt ready to take to the machine...just have to get the machine set up for hemming.  Maybe a job for this evening...or maybe not!  I have a good book to read, too.  So I guess we will see which one wins out to occupy my time for the rest of the evening.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

What a Wednesday

No particular reason for tonight's photo.  It is from our last barn photo trip.  I came across it when I was opening up some pictures on the laptop and I decided to use it tonight.  I got up and did some vacuuming while it was still cool.  I went outside to put something in the garbage before the garbage truck came by later in the morning and saw the plants that we bought yesterday and Monday.  I decided that I would get them planted...again...while it was still cool outside.  So I got two hanging baskets planted with wave petunias, planted terragon in a pot and in the raised herb bed, and planted one small pot with a rather wimpy petunia.  Now we will see if they will grow!  The cement planter with the red verbina and creeping Jenny is dong great.  Maybe my thumb is getting greener?  Doubt it!  Then I came in and made a deep dish blueberry pie.  Woody had been wanting a blueberry pie.  We each had a taste or two after lunch.  After lunch I headed off to the church to work in the library for a couple of hours.  Donna and I did maintenance,  Donna entered a book in the computer, and then we worked on the overdue list of books.  We checked the shelves to see if they are really checked out...we found quite a few that the computer said were checked out back on the shelves...some with cards in them and some without.  Always a mystery as to whether it is computer or human error!  We like to blame the computer.  I called a friend to wish her a happy birthday after I got home.

Woody did some watering early this morning...again...before it got too hot and before the sun was beating down on him.  He has stayed in most of the day as it has been very hot, once again.  He assigned me the job of ordering ink for the printer as he was starting to get warnings that the black ink was getting low.  I did that just before heading to write tonight's blog.  Woody is downstairs watching a news program and perhaps reading.  And, I think that he is enjoying a helping of deep dish blueberry pie for dessert.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

A Triple "H" Day

I had hoped that I would get a picture of the Nashville skyline showing the typical haze that goes along with hot and humid on our hot summer days.  The weather men are always talking about the 3 "H's" = HOT, HUMID, HAZY.  We get the hot and humid in Tullahoma but due to not being a big city we don't always see the haze.  You can see the landmark "Bat Building" that makes the Nashville skyline's the building that is almost in the center of the picture.  From certain angles it looks just like batman's head.

I guess that you can guess since I am posting photos of Nashville that Woody had a Vanderbilt appointment today.  Today he saw Dr. Holt, his orthopaedic surgeon.  She said that everything looked fine in the X-Ray and that it looked like he was doing well.  She had seen him coming down the hallway without aid of cane or walker,  And, he really is doing much better.  The swelling has gone down lots and the incision and surrounding skin looks much better, too.  She said that she would see 
him in four months unless he needed to see her sooner.  We left a bit early this morning for his afternoon appointment so we could make a stop at the Nashville Farmer's Market.  I wanted terragon plants for my herb garden and that is the only place that we have found them in the past.  And, we were successful in finding it there again.  We bought the plants and were on the road again to head toward Vanderbilt.  We still got to the doctor's office early, but being early this time didn't seem to help.  It took quite a while for them to call him back and then we waited quite a while for Dr. Holt to come in...once in we were through in less than five minutes...or so it seemed.  We did get back on the road a little before 3pm so didn't have to fight rush hour traffic.  Our main slow downs on the way home were due to construction...but even those weren't too bad.  It was good to get home.  

Woody left a few minutes ago to go to the church prayer room.  Once he is home we will both be settled in for a quiet evening.  

Monday, May 27, 2019

Once Upon A Time...

Once upon a time Woody took long walks daily.  For some time now he has put those aside due to first needing surgery and then due to surgery and recovering from the surgery.  On Saturday, he suggested that we get up early on Memorial Day (today) and walk the new part of the Tullahoma Greenway...The Rock Creek StoryWalk.  This is an extension that has been added onto the greenway that has existed for some years now.  It runs behind and down one side of our public library.  It is nice
and shady so Woody can stay out of the sun and it isn't a
long distance so a good short walk to start his walks again.  You walk down one side of the path reading the story and come back up the other side to finish the story.  It sounds like they plan to change the book every two weeks.

Today's book "Stuck" was about a little boy who gets his kite stuck in a tree and what he does to get
it out.  A cute story.

And, here is Woody checking out one of the stations...just to record his first day out walking again!  After we walked the StoryWalk we hopped in the car and ran a couple of errands before heading back home.  One of the stops was Lowe's to
see if there was a plant that we could rescue and make a hanging basket or two with.  We did find some that we will attempt to use in two hanging baskets for the front porch.

We did have Memorial Day fare: ribs, corn on the cob, and potato salad...Woody ate ribs and corn and left the potato salad for me.  It all tasted pretty good on this quite hot Memorial Day.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Sunny Saturday

We have had another hot day...but there has been a breeze blowing all day.  It was quite pleasant sitting on the front porch reading with Isaac both this morning and then this afternoon.

Woody went to the library this usual Saturday routine.  I have stayed inside most of the day except when Isaac and I were reading on the front porch.  Nathan, Kathy and family continued with their yard sale.  At one point Esther and several other of the neighbor grandchildren came over with a little kitten wanting us to keep it.  Someone who had come to their yard sale had just seen it thrown out of a car and stopped to pick it up.  When they didn't find any takers at the yard sale, the people who had picked the little kitten up from the side of the road said that they were going to take it to the rescue shelter where Esther got her two kittens 1-1/2 years ago.  We thought that we had enough cats with Esther's two!  It was a cute little thing!  Sad to think that someone just threw it out of a car.  Isaac wanted to keep it and call it Tigress!  Esther was entranced that it had blue eyes...that may have been only because it was still so young.  I'm not sure how Georgia and Peaches would have reacted to the acquisition of a tiny kitten.

Nathan got their cherry tree netted this year before the birds got the cherries.  We are reaping the benefits of saving the cherries...we got to sample the pie that Nathan made with them.  Yummy!  Woody and I shar d a piece last night and Nathan just came over and gave each a piece tonight...he said that there wasn't enough to split between the children so...he, Kathy, Woody, and I got to share last of the pie. We won't complain!

I talked to Melany earlier in the day.  Today is their 28th anniversary.  It was really a hot day 28 years ago...Melany said that it about melted her makeup off that day!  Today they were painting woodwork trim in their old house.  Erin was helping them.  New carpet goes in next week and then it will be
ready to list.  They are working, working, working to get it ready to sell...taking advantage of the long Memorial Day weekend.  

Friday, May 24, 2019

Another Hot Day

It made it to 90° today...really hot out there the couple of times that I ventured out.  I did go out and water my plants that I planted recently.  Tonight's photo shows one of the planters and its new plants. These are doing well.  There are lots of new blooms with more to open before long or so it looks.  The Creeping Jenny is creeping over the edge of the planter the way I wanted it to.

Woody spent most of the morning running errands either for us or with his friend.  He usually sits in the car while his friend does his shopping.  When Woody came home he commented on how hot it was (something that he rarely says these days) so it really must have been hot!  I worked around the house on my first day off for summer vacation.  Nathan and Kathy and family braved the hot weather and continued with their yardsale.  Yesterday Nathan and Graham went to Murfreesboro and picked
up some more items for their yardsale from Melany and Wade.  Melany and Wade are in the midst of
getting their old house ready to be put on the market.  So they were glad for Nathan to drive away
with some of the things that they no longer wanted.

I have enjoyed breaks in my day reading and watching some old seasons of HGTV on my iPad...watching kitchen renovations...dreaming of the time that we will be in the midst of ours!  I did empty out several more cabinets.  The only things in the lower cabinets on the stove side of the kitchen are canned goods and our air popcorn popper.  All the pots and pans that we use regularly are on the dining room least I don't have to bend over to get them!  Little by little the cabinets are emptying should be a quick process of having them totally empty when the word comes that renovation is going to start!  The big question is WHEN!

We are actually back in the loop for Vanderbilt appointment reminder calls.  We got reminded about Dr. Holt's appointment this coming week.  That is the first time in over a year that we have gotten a reminder/confirmation call from Vandy.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

A Day of Lasts

Today was the last day of Grammy School.  Everyone except Joy came over for either their school time or their reading time or their long time.  Joy was helping with the yard sale and chose not to come...she is n the middle of a Nancy Drew mystery so I know that she will continue reading to find out who-done-it.  Isaac and I took apart the last of the K'nex builds and got all the pieces put in their proper places.  Well, I say we took apart the last...I am sure that there are more at their house that need to come back over here and be put away...but we did what we could with what we had here.  So the K'nex are ready summer building time. Thought right now I am discouraging having too many out since I have started putting kitchen items in the living room till after the remodel.  I took more things out of cabinets today.  I also took out quite a few food items that I had stored in one of the kitchen cabinets. So the cupboards are becoming barer!

Elijah and I went shoe shopping this afternoon.  Woody has been in and out watering plants and picking up sticks in the yard.  It has been a pretty hot one felt like staying out very long.  It was a hot night at the softball fields.  Joy and Esther played games at the same time tonight.  Tonight was their last softball game for this season.  Esther's team remained undefeated. Joy's team didn't win a game this season, but did tie twice. Esther's team went to the DQ after their game.

We left to go to the game before I could get the kitchen cleaned up after our I guess a mess is calling me.  This hot weather makes me not want to do anything except sit and read!

All I can say is SUMMER VACATION has started!  My hope for the summer...have the kitchen done before we go back to school!  I guess time will tell on whether that hope comes true!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Wednesday Wanderings

Joy pitching!

Esther (blue uniform) on her way to stealing home safely!

No ball games tonight, but decided that it was time for a couple more ball game photos since I finally got them loaded from the cameras onto our laptop.  Only one game to go for the girls' this softball  season...tomorrow evening's game.  Everything is coming to a and ball!

Joseph came over for a shortened time this morning.  Then he and his siblings headed off to the dentist.  Isaac came over after they got back...a little before lunch and had his reading time today.  I worked around the house during the time that should have been school.  I was able to get the whole downstairs vacuumed.

Woody and Nathan went to a funeral in the late morning.  After lunch I went to the library for a short time to do maintenance and a couple of other tasks...I even managed to print off an overdue will be to check its accuracy with what has been shelved.  No matter how careful we are, usually some get put back on the shelf and not checked back into the computer...sometimes human error but sometimes computer error...or so we think!

It has been another hot day...upper 80's to lower 90's...but there was a it was very pleasant to sit on the front porch, at least this morning when Joseph and Isaac read with me.  Esther's cats have taken to stretching out on our love seat glider...I think they like the air circulating through the slats!   

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Another Late Night at the Ball Park

We have just returned from two ball games.  Esther's team won handily—10-0.  We thought that Joy's team was going to win...but in the end they tied 11-11.  Good game for both girls.  Joy pitched the first inning and only allowed one run to score.  She caught a fly ball and then threw to first base for a double play.  Esther went for tryouts for the Tullahoma Middle School softball team later this afternoon before her game. Joy plans to try out for the Tullahoma High School softball team.

School is on the count-down to the end.  Just two more days for Grammy school!  And, tomorrow I will only have a couple come for school as it is dentist check-up day for their family.  Woody did a little in the yard today...and, of course, did crossword puzzles, watched TV, and read.  He had an appointment with his nephrologist this afternoon. I cooked cooked another chicken this afternoon, but didn't make chicken stock this time as we still have plenty from the chicken that I cooked last week. I will freeze most of this chicken.  I sliced a good portion of it this time so we can have it for sandwiches.  I think that I will freeze some of the slices as that seems like something we can have when the kitchen is out of commission.  I keep trying to figure out what we can eat during that we can't say we will just eat out because of Woody's strict diet.  Luckily when I can't cook here, I can slip next door and prepare our meals there!  Just want them to be easy!  Still no word on when they will get underway here...hopefully the cabinets are being worked on!

Monday, May 20, 2019

Better Late Than Never!


The end product of Abigail's secret baking project: a Carrot Cake Cheesecake!

Lots of thought...always put into the gift giving!

Esther and Joseph made a card for their daddy using Joseph's hand.

Nathan had an interesting start to his birthday.  They were on the road for juggling performances.  
Not long into the morning yesterday Nathan had to change a tire on their RV.  His next encounter was one of the pull outs where they store the juggling equipment on the side of the RV.  Nathan cracked his head on it and sported a big bandaid on his forehead for part of the day.  They got home in time to go to church for the AWANA end of the year program.  When they got home, from church, a time was finally found to actually celebrate with cake and gifts.  A rather full and busy day.

My thoughts on the day?  Well, I KNOW I felt a lot better yesterday than I did 47 years ago when I had Nathan in the middle of the night.  I was in the hospital for an acute kidney infection and had been spiking a 105° temperature for most of May 18th.  Nathan decided that it was too hot in the 

oven and arrived very quickly in the wee hours of the morning on May 19th...neither the doctor nor Woody made it to the hospital before he was born...and, they were less than 20min. away.  He was born three weeks early. They said that he was "immature" rather than "premature."  But back then when a baby was in ICU the mommy and daddy just looked through the window at the baby.  We never touched him till he was six-days-old...the day he came home from the hospital.  How "things" have changed these days!   

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Another Warm Day

I tried to sneak out and get a picture of "the girls" aka Esther's cats today, but my plan was foiled.  They thought that my camera was a food offering and came running instead of staying all stretched out across the front porch glider.  I took these another day.  I did take a picture of them begging, but it is on the camera that I have to use the laptop to get them off the camera and then send them via email to my iPad in order to use them in the blog these days...and I was just too lazy!

I have been working with pictures this afternoon.  I have an idea of how to use one of my photos in the kitchen so have been trying to figure out which one...or if I will even follow through on this idea.  I did move a few more things out of cabinets today.  Woody thinks that it won't be too long now till they are ready to tear out our present cabinets.  He is more optimistic than I!  But I still decided to move a few more things.  I decided to put the pans that we use the most on the dining room table for the moment so they will still be fairly accessible but will be out of the cabinet when the time comes.

Woody did his daily crossword puzzles early this morning.  He has also read.  He did a little out in the did I.  I planted the other two plants that I got at Lowe's out in the mailbox flower bed.  I definitely felt the heat when I was doing that!  Woody made Apple Zucchini Bread this afternoon.  And, he rode with Abigail to the grocery store down the street so she could drive.  Abigail needed some ingredients for a secret baking project...that we are in on...mums the word from us!

It has been a pretty quiet day...not much going on...not much energy to make much happen!

Friday, May 17, 2019

Ants Munching

Our pretty pink rhododendron in the front of our house is blooming and ever so pretty.  Woody suggested that I take a couple of pictures.  I noticed in the first picture that I took that there was something in the one bright pink blossom that hadn't fully opened yet.  On closer inspection, I realized that it was an ant.  And then noticed that there was another ant in the picture too.  I took a close up of the center to show the little ant all tucked into the bloom, probably enjoying a snack.

Today has really been a hot day. More like summer than spring.  It got into the mid 80's and the humidity was higher also.  I really felt the heat when I went outside to plant a couple of hanging baskets before lunch.  Besides doing a little planting, I also stewed a chicken and then made "liquid gold" aka chicken stock.  And, of course, stewing a chicken means taking the chicken off the bone...a messy job...and, then there is the greasy, messy pot to get clean.  I got it clean so I could turn around and make a lot of chicken noodle soup...though it was a bit warm for soup!  It does taste good and I hadn't made any for a while. We both enjoyed it for supper and there are leftovers for another couple of meals...which I like a lot!

Woody did our grocery shopping first thing this morning and then was off to run errands with his friend.  Those two errand running chores took up his whole morning and even into part of his afternoon.  Woody got a surprise when he went outside to mow and found out that the front yard and part of back yard had been mowed by someone next door.  I heard the mower going, but didn't look out so haven't solved that mystery yet.  They were having a yard sale so I'm not sure who was kind enough to leave it for a while to help us out.  And, haven't seen them since the discovery to ask.  But we do thank who ever it was!

Abigail came over for her home ec time.  She began quilting her throw today.  She got going on stitching in the ditch, which is the way this one will be quilted and I told her that any time she has some free time she can come over and stitch a row or two till it's done.  She has a bit more time on her hands since Montessori school ended for this school year, yesterday.  Just 15, Abigail just finished her first year of teaching! She has really enjoyed it.  She loves children.  She stays pretty busy with her homeschooling, babysitting, cheesecake baking, church activities, etc. She doesn't have a lot of free time on her hands!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Surprise Delivery

This morning we had a usual Thursday school day despite a yardsale going on at their house.  I was surprised to see their vehicles parked in front of our house and lots of other vehicles in front of theirs when I looked out this morning.  They decided to take advantage of a sunny weather prediction for today and tomorrow and have a couple of days of yard sale at the end of this week and then have another couple of days of yardsale next weekend, too.  They stayed pretty busy most of the least when I looked out!

Isaac had his long time and he and I continued to sort and take apart K'nex.  What a job.  We are nearing getting them all apart and back in their designated boxes once again.

I ate a quick lunch after school and then got ready to head to the church library.  While I was getting ready, I got a call from our kitchen contractor's assistant saying that she was heading to the cabinet making shop to pick up a board with the stain on it that I had chosen and going to bring it by for my approval.  I wasn't expecting that.  I do like the color that our cabinets will be and gave them the thumbs up.  Maybe things are really getting underway!

Woody and I headed off at the same time this afternoon.  He went to the pharmacy to pick up a couple of prescriptions and I headed to the library at church.  Donna and I did maintenance and then worked on choosing some books for our next book order.  Buying books is the best think about being a librarian...I think!

Woody managed to get the lawnmower cranked up for it's one time of running today.  He also worked on getting a hanging basket ready for me to fix it up with a new liner and new plants.  It was another nice day.  We did get a few sprinkles this afternoon and a few claps of thunder, but not enough to affect the ball games.

Joy and Esther both played this evening.  Joy's team lost and Esther's team won.  Both were good games.  Joy got to pitch again.  On Tuesday, Joy "took one...well, two for her team.  She pitched and ran in to cover home plate and collided with the runner and skinned up her elbow.  She finished out the inning and then was first up to bat and she got hit with a pitched ball.  She was a bit sore yesterday after all that!  She did a great job pitching that night, too...only two scored off her in the inning that she pitched.  The final score that night was 12-12 and they didn't play to break the tie.  Tonight Joy got a great base hit in her first at bat.  Her team was hitting, but unfortunately the first pitcher for Joy's team was into hitting the batters so they got runs from stealing bases and being hit by balls!  Esther also got a good base hit tonight and scored the first run for her team.

We are home from the game and settled in for the rest of the evening.  I'm going to look at my piece of stained wood again and then read.  Woody is reading and has the TV going.  Typical evening with two ball games thrown in!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Wet Wednesday

The day started out sunny, but before the morning was over showers had moved in.  I didn't realize it was raining because I had been reading with the children.  I just noticed that it kept getting darker in the living room where we were reading.  When Joy headed home I realized that it was raining.  Esther, Isaac, and Joseph joined Elijah for his long time.  It was time to sort the K'nex and take them apart once again.  We have lots of K'nex which is a good thing when it comes to being able to build more than just a couple of things before you run out...but is also a bad thing when you just keep building and building and building because you can without taking things apart...because it is a rough go when it comes to having to take apart so many things at one time!  The four kids and I went at in a big way and we got quite a bit done, but not totally organized yet, nor totally taken apart yet.  My fingers get sore taking things apart and it is a good way to break nails!  The school year is coming to an end (next week is last week) and I want them undone and organized so they can have fun with them this summer if they feel like building with them.  I also want them contained when I need more space for stacking up kitchen things as I have started putting some things in the living room.

Woody headed out before school was over this morning to go to his Oncology appointment for his anemia and B-12 shots.  He also saw the doctor today and the doc was quite pleased that Woody's anemia numbers are going up (a good thing).  The doc thought it was because of the shots and Woody is crediting it to the fact that he is back to eating more meat.  I have a feeling that it is a combination of the two.  After his appointment, Woody ran an errand for me and bought some fresh corn and apples and blueberries (staples for him...that fit into his kidney strict diet).

I spent time making more decisions about the kitchen this afternoon.  I had researched range hoods and decided to go with a different one than I had chosen at first.  So called the appliance salesman this afternoon to change that on my list of appliances. And, I also got an answer back from the contractor about the shelving in my lower cabinets...which meant making a change in what he had planned...but nothing that will set the project back.  He had regular shelves in the few lower cabinets that I will have, but I wanted pull-out drawers in the cabinets.  We just don't need to be down on our hands and knees getting to the back of our cabinets like we have to presently.  Lately when I get down on my hands and knees to get something off the lower shelves, I keep thinking to myself that I will be so glad when the shelves pull out.  So I'm glad that I realized that those in the plans weren't pull-out and that we have rectified that.  I "think" that is the final change!  All this is starting to wear on me.  I just want to get it started so it can get completed!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Busy Continues

Here's a picture of Nathan and Kathy and family taken on Mother's Day.  

We are about to head off to the ball park.  Both Joy and Esther have games tonight at the same time.  Their fields are close to each other so we can go back and forth between the two games.  I decided to go on and blog before going.

Woody managed to get the lawnmower going to mow as much as the mower will allow for one day.  I had school.  Today was Esther's long time.  She painted and while she painted I looked through a few other least I didn't find anything broken today.

I got back the prints for the kitchen after the remeasuring took place last week. I have sent them back
approved with one question asked.  I'm ready...hope that they are too!

After lunch, Woody and I went plant shopping...hoping to find some after-Mother's Day bargains.  Those bargains didn't seem to be out there yet.  We did find to plants that we rescued from the back of Lowe's that were bargains.  And, found a couple of others that we got.

I cooked a rack of ribs for supper tonight.  I made them with a rub of many herbs and spices so that Woody could have them since they are salt free.  They really did taste good!

Monday, May 13, 2019


Tonight's photo is one of the roses on my rose bush.  I thought it appropriate to post it tonight as it is the rose bush that friends gave me after Mother died.  I always think that it is neat that it blooms every year around Mother's Day.

We had a fairly quiet day yesterday.  Melany and Erin paid us a visit a few weeks back and we celebrated several things late and several things of them being Mother's Day.  Nathan and family had a graduation party for the daughter of one of Nathan's friend's from grammar school days. The whole crew came over after they got home and brought me a gift.

Today we were back to a school routine...closing in on the end of the school year...only this week and next and it will be summer vacation!  Joseph has been working on a big workbook of mazes, number do't-to-dots and ABC dot-to-dots.  Today he finished it.  Good job, Joseph...274 pages of puzzles!
Joy had her long time today.  She painted.  While she painted I went through some more things looking for  items to donate to the neighbor's (Nathan and Kathy's) yard sale.  I had a bell that I wanted to put in the yard sale, but when I found it, it was broken...and it was a thin glass a bit of a mess of little pieces of glass in the bin it had been stored in.  I got that thrown away and then did find a few other things to all was not lost getting into that bin!  

Woody got the lawnmower going this morning and mowed his daily small portion of the yard.  He also planted some cherry tomato plants that I had started in my hydroponic grow light inside "garden."  He took his friend to an appointment and also visited with a couple of friends who are sick and/or recovering from surgery.  He even volunteered to vacuum the family room when I ran short of time prior to school this morning.  Not a task that he had done much since his surgery!  This evening he is at the Furnace Room Prayer meeting at church.  He has had a busy running around day.  I have just had a busy day at home!

Saturday, May 11, 2019


It has just been "one of those days!"  We have stayed quite busy.  Woody did manage to get in a time to go to the library...his Saturday norm.  I thought that I would get up and do some cleaning before starting to work on the veggie trays.  Got the cleaning started, but after several interruptions, I put the cleaning off till this evening and got busy with the veggie trays.  They both turned out looking good enough to eat...hope that the recipients felt the same way about them!  Several friends dropped off the food for our friend and family's "after the funeral" meal.  A little before 2pm Woody and I headed off to the church to pick up the rest of the food for the meal.  We then went to our friend's parent's house and delivered the food and attempted to get it set up cold food in the fridge and hot food in the oven.  That accomplished we headed back into town.  We decided to stop at our house and retrieve an umbrella as it was threatening rain.  I grabbed the umbrella and then we headed to the funeral home.  We got there at the end of the visitation time, spoke to family members, and then went in for the funeral.  Our Sunday School class is so good about providing food for families when the need arises.  I am so blessed to be a part of such a great group.  We truly look out for each other like we would for a family member.  We are there for each other through thick and thin!

Now I'd better go finish the Sunday School lesson so I don't let these special friends down in the morning!  I'm sure that Woody has had his lesson for his boys prepared for days now!  I did get my kitchen floor mopped just before I came up to that cleaning goal got met for the day along with cleaning the downstairs bathroom.  That's it for me for tonight...except for sitting here in my chair and finishing the lesson!

Friday, May 10, 2019

An On-The-Go Friday

Can you find two horses in this photo?  You might have to click on the picture and make it bigger.  They're not real obvious...yet framed...there's your hint!

I got up this morning and fixed our breakfast.  I went with Woody to do our weekly shopping this morning.  Woody did our shopping and I shopped for the meal that our Sunday School class is doing for a member of our class and her family for after her mother's funeral tomorrow.  Several in the class gave money for the meal and I did the shopping.  This afternoon I have been gathering food items together so Woody and I can deliver the meal tomorrow afternoon. I cut up veggies for a veggie tray, etc.  I think all is gathered either in a laundry basket (non perishables) and the perishables are gathered in the refrigerator.  All I have left to do is assemble the veggie tray and then pick up other's food at the church tomorrow afternoon and then deliver the meal.

Woody did our shopping with me and then brought me home and he headed off to pick up his friend to take him to do his shopping.  When in "resting mode" I worked on Sunday's Sunday School lesson. Still have more work to do on it.  I also dozed off one time when I was in "resting mode" which wasn't my intention!  Isaac came over to do his long time with me that he missed yesterday so I attempted to come back to life.  He just wanted to start reading another of Thornton Burgess' books.  These are books that I remember my mother reading to me when I was his age.  I enjoy reading them again with the grandchildren.  One day years ago I found quite a number of them at Walmart for 50¢ apiece.  I have read them with several of the grandchildren.  So they were worth the price! I walked a couple of things over to the neighbor's house for their yardsale that got moved off till Memorial Day since this weekend's weather was so iffy.  This way I can continue to gather more things to add for hopefully someone else to discover as a treasure.

I'd better get back to the kitchen...not finished there yet.  Need to freeze broth and finish cleaning up the mess that I have left down there. Then it is sitting time in my recliner, I guess working on the Sunday School lesson if I can keep my eyes open!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Different Thursday

I got up early and got underway with cooking.  And, cooked until it was lunch time.  I made the recipe that w have been using for years to make pulled pork.  It takes a bit of effort, but we think that it is worth when the cooking time is finished.  I made a double recipe as I am taking part to a friend and her family and we will have some too.  It takes a lot of skimming of fat and a long cooking time, but definitely the end product is worth it!

When I was just about finished, I got a tornado warning on my phone.  Woody had the TV on and was watching the paths of the storms.  The warnings that I had gotten were for three counties...two that just about touch where we live.  Kathy and Nathan and family came over since our bathroom safe place is larger than their pantry safe place.  I'm glad that we didn't have to all pile in since I think that we would have been packed in like sardines!  After it was evident that the storm wasn't heading our way, Nathan and Kathy left to go to a meeting and Woody left to go for his bloodwork appointment at his nephrologist's.  He was back home an hour later.  The kids stayed at our house and filtered back home one or two at a time after their folks got back.  All kinds of activities were going on...some were doing school, some were just hanging out...some ended up doing art work...some played with Osmo...some got their screens once they were through with school work.  I just let them do their thing as I cleaned up my messy kitchen.

There are times that I wish that I was cooking in my new kitchen and then times like today that I would have liked to be in the new kitchen, but was sort of glad that I wasn't as this recipe does create a mess.  Woody and I both attacked it and it is looking more back to normal.  The kitties wede happy with my cooking.  I took out a little treat for both of them from some of the scraps that I pulled off that weren't desirous to stay in the pulled pork!  But they were desirous to the cats!

No yardwork for Woody started raining sooner than we expected and when it did stop, it was very wet.  We mainly got rain and not a lot of wind like was predicted.  And, our one warning didn't pan out...thankfully.  Our town's warning system never went off...just our phones.

We are both settled in for another quiet evening.  I keep thinking that it is Friday night since we didn't have school today. My students went to a prayer breakfast at church this morning.  Which did help me as I really did need a good length of time to cook and it was better for me to cook early in the day before I was worn out from daily activities!  And, I still got to spend time with the grandchildren...this time all seven were over here.  Most of the time we don't get graced with the presence of the two high school grandchildren!

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Busy Wednesday

I have been next door sitting with Isaac while the rest of his family went to Wednesday night activities at church.  He wasn't feeling the greatest so stayed home.  We finished the book that we had been reading together and then he watched a couple of animal shows on TV.  I dozed in my chair.  I was tired!

Woody spent a lot of time put in the yard once again today.  He finally convinced the lawnmower to mow for its short time on into the afternoon.  We had a usual school day except for Isaac.  Nathan took him to the doctor during his time.  They were concerned about strep...but he tested negative...maybe a cold or allergies...either can make you feel yucky!  The children have chosen to do their reading on the front porch on these warm spring mornings.  It has been very pleasant out there.  Joseph rally likes to read out there and then stay out and work on his dot-to-dot and maze workbook.  Then we come inside to do the rest.  Today he had his Osmo day because they will be at the prayer breakfast at church.  Elijah and I filled the suet feeder for the birds and then came in and he did some activities on the iPad with Osmo for his long time with me.

It is supposed to be a stormy day tomorrow.  I ran an errand today so I don't have to get out
tomorrow.  I'll bet that Woody won't get in much yard work tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Late Evening at the Softball Park

We've only been home a little while from Esther's and Joy's softball games.  Esther's started at 5:30pm and Joy's at 6pm.  Esther's team won handily.  Joy's team lost by one point!  Both were very good games.  Joy pitched for the first time in an older girls' game.  She threw several strikes...good pitching for a first time out.  

I had school this morning.  When it was time for Esthrr's long time, the termite inspector came.  Esther went right on with her painting.  Woody pretty much handled the termite man.  The report was termite damage and the only place on the house that has damage is in the area that we discovered the problem.  It is water damage. Now it is back in the contractor's hands for it to be fixed sometime during our renovation.  I have emailed the contractor with the report.  

Woody has worked out in the yard off and on throughout the day.  After lunch, I went to get my haircut.  Late in the afternoon, Woody went to the prayer room at church.  When he got home, we headed off to the ball game.  Now we are home settling in for what's left of our usual quiet evening.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Must be Monday!

Talk about a busy day!  I got up and got ready for school.  Before school started we got a call from our contractor's office asking if he and his cabinet builder could come by around 10am to make final measurements for the cabinets.  Of course, I said "yes!"  So school went on and measuring went on with a few questions that I had to answer.  I think that they left with correct measurements...I hope!  I was left with a couple of "to-dos."

The moment that school was over, I had to head out the door to pick up a friend to take her to an eye appointment.  That lasted a while when picking out glasses and a trip to the bank was added in.  I was ready to sit for a while once I got home!

After a quick rest, I began doing the contractor's "to-do" list.  I called the appliance salesman and had him add a range hood/vent to our appliance list.  Then I had to call to arrange for a termite inspection.  I have discovered a problem with the floor in the dining room and had asked the contractor to add a fix to our list of things for him to do/fix.  He wanted to find out what the cause of the problem is...water damage or termites or whatever.  So I have an inspection set up for some time tomorrow.

I think that "things" may actually be getting the cabinets are to be built first and then as they are about ready the kitchen will be gutted and other things started to get ready for the cabinets.  He says that this way we won't be without a working kitchen for very long.  Time will tell!!

Woody has been busy, too.  He has worked in the yard quite a bit...mowed, weeded, etc.  I checked how the gardens are growing and plants are popping up and getting underway.  Nathan has some strawberry plants that are looking yummy!  Woody netted the strawberry plants to keep birds and other critters from getting to the red berries before Nathan and family do.

Woody has just returned from Monday night Furnace Room prayer meeting.  At the moment he is at the laptop trying to figure out how the church is now getting prayer messages to the deacons.  New is not always easy nor does it always work.  We have gotten to the information on the laptop, but cannot get the same on my iPad.  Oh, well, I guess as long as he can get it one way!

I guess we are now settled in for a quiet evening.  I'm ready for calm and quiet!  Busy, busy day!

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Our Daredevils vs Snakes and Monster Shakes



Our neighbor crew has just returned from a week in Florida doing a crusade, some school programs and got in a bit of fun on the side!  They even got in a little beach time!

Friday, May 3, 2019

Friday Fiddling

Woody headed off first this morning to do our grocery shopping.  I continued to cleaning up around here...such that I can do with so many things topsy-turvy.  I decided to go through all the fabric scraps that had accumulated due to either projects of mine or from sewing projects that the grandchildren have done.  I sorted them all and put them in piles and then put the piles back in their proper tub of fabric.  I got rid of some and put some in a pile for Nathan and Kathy's yardsale that is coming up Mother's Day weekend.  That's one of the reasons that I have been going through things.  I started putting things aside for their yardsale when I started boxing up kitchen things.  Now I am branching out to other places in the house to see if there aren't some more things that I can part with.

I put away groceries when Woody got back from Aldi and Kroger.  Then I went back to my fabric sorting.  I got it all put away and walked into the sewing room and found a couple of other pieces thing need to still be put away...maybe I'll put those away in a little while.  I'm sure that as soon as I put those away I will find another stray piece or two!

I got a call from a friend who needed me to take her to the eye doctor this afternoon.  I felt bad for her as when we got to her appointment there had been a mixup and supposedly her appointment had been yesterday morning, though she had an appointment card from them that said today at 3.  Oh, well...she got her appointment rescheduled.

Woody has done more work in the gardens.  He planted beans today.  He mowed the amount that our lawnmower allowed him to do.  It has been another pretty spring day after yesterday's rain.  I even pulled a couple of weeds when I checked on my new plants.  Easy to pull after the rain!  We have both spent some down time reading.  And, I have worked on Sunday's Sunday School lesson for my ladies' class.  It has been a rather relaxing day even though we have both done some coming and going.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Thursday Doings

Woody once again ran the lawnmower for its one time to run in the morning.  He continues to work on the gardens...planting vegetable seeds, getting seeds ready to plant, weeding, etc. I know that over the last couple of days he has planted cucumber seeds.  And, he is getting ready to plant green bean seeds.  He's enjoying time outside.  He is being careful to wear gloves on his hands, long sleeved shirt, and a wide brim hat to protect himself from the sun since he is extra sensitive to the sun due to the antibiotic he is taking.

I spent the morning cleaning.  Rarely do I vacuum through the whole house on the same day, but I did today.  I also tried to shift the boxes that I have kitchen items stored in so they aren't so much in the way.  I also put a few more things in boxes.  I roasted a turkey breast this morning while I cleaned.  When I went to get the roasting pan and roasting rack, they weren't there.  But I did quickly remember where I had put them.  Woody enjoyed a turkey sandwich for a bit of a change in his diet.

After lunch, I headed to the church to work in the library.  Donna and I finished up the work on the latest books that we had been processing.  Good work done...more new books on the shelves.  Before I headed home, I ran an errand to Walmart.  I needed my allergy medicine and the birds needed some more food!  The squirrels don't seem to be bothering the feeders as much.  I'm thinking that Esther's kitties are keeping them away.  The cats spend a lot of time on our front porch. Their presence may help spook the squirrels.  They need to be scared...Georgia, especially, is a good huntress!

While I was at the library, Woody went to get a haircut.  The church, library, Walmart, and the barber were the extent of our gadding about today!  We had a storm blow up this afternoon...while I was coming home from Walmart.  I was glad to get a good rain for my new plants.  So far they are looking good.  Also the cherry tomato plants that Isaac and Joseph planted in the hydroponic grow-light inside garden have all sprouted.  And, the lettuce plants that Woody transplanted from that inside garden are doing well outside...just about ready to harvest.  Also the herbs transplanted from that garden into my raised bed that Nathan built for me are doing well also.  We had a lot of our herbs  winter over so have a good number of herbs to use in my cooking and am enjoying using them.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

It's May! It's May!

May has arrived!  It has been quite a warm day—into the upper 80's.  It has been breezy...thinking about blowing in some rain and perhaps storms over the next couple of days.

Woody mowed first thing this morning.  I got the call from the appliance store so everything is go for the appliances that I chose.  All their prices came in lower than Lowe' I was right trying to stick with them!  After his call, I gathered up my kitchen renovation notebook and Woody and I headed down the road a bit to the flooring store.  I chose what I liked best for the flooring...that I thought looked best with the cabinets, countertops and paint another part of the renovation that depended on a choice from me has been done.  The contractor now has the information about the appliances and about my floor choice and I have told him that the ball is back in his court now!  At least the kitchen is starting to take shape in my mind.  I can start picturing what it's going to look like.

Woody got a call from Dr. Wyman this afternoon.  Dr. Wyman doesn't want us to cancel Woody's end of July appointment because some of the lymph nodes still don't look just right...again...these are on the leg that he had the surgery and infection so we still think that is why they are enlarged..or whatever.  We will just wait till July and see what they look like then.