Monday, May 27, 2019

Once Upon A Time...

Once upon a time Woody took long walks daily.  For some time now he has put those aside due to first needing surgery and then due to surgery and recovering from the surgery.  On Saturday, he suggested that we get up early on Memorial Day (today) and walk the new part of the Tullahoma Greenway...The Rock Creek StoryWalk.  This is an extension that has been added onto the greenway that has existed for some years now.  It runs behind and down one side of our public library.  It is nice
and shady so Woody can stay out of the sun and it isn't a
long distance so a good short walk to start his walks again.  You walk down one side of the path reading the story and come back up the other side to finish the story.  It sounds like they plan to change the book every two weeks.

Today's book "Stuck" was about a little boy who gets his kite stuck in a tree and what he does to get
it out.  A cute story.

And, here is Woody checking out one of the stations...just to record his first day out walking again!  After we walked the StoryWalk we hopped in the car and ran a couple of errands before heading back home.  One of the stops was Lowe's to
see if there was a plant that we could rescue and make a hanging basket or two with.  We did find some that we will attempt to use in two hanging baskets for the front porch.

We did have Memorial Day fare: ribs, corn on the cob, and potato salad...Woody ate ribs and corn and left the potato salad for me.  It all tasted pretty good on this quite hot Memorial Day.

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