Friday, April 13, 2018

Play Ball!

Tonight was the first ball game of this season...for me!  I guess it is Elijah's third.  At the start of this evening Elijah's team and the other team started playing the game that got called the other night due to lightning.  Elijah's team, the A's, won that game.  Then the second game was the regularly scheduled game for this evening.  The A's lost that one.  So at this point in the season they have won two and lost one.  Joy and Esther's softball games are supposed to begin tomorrow, but Kathy just told us that they have already been cancelled due to predicted heavy rain and storms tomorrow morning.  Elijah's team has a make-up game tomorrow afternoon if the weather allows...looking doubtful...but his hasn't been cancelled...yet.

Woody did his usual grocery shopping at three stores this morning.  I was still getting a handle on getting everything unpacked and put away.  I was looking for something and couldn't figure out where it was and ended up finding it still in the car.  So I think that all has been found and put to do a load or two of wash and things will be back to pre-trip!  Isaac and Joseph came over for a little while this morning and played the new car race game on the Osmo iPad app.  They had fun and decided that they would stay here while the rest of the family went for juggling practice at the church...but in the end decided that they would go with their family.  I got the groceries put away.  I had requested some time ago an e-book from the e-library lending system that our public library is a part of.  It finally came to me sometime this past week while we were away so I checked it out last night and have been reading it.  I also napped for a while this afternoon.  Woody worked in the yard.  The grocery store walking was his walking for today.  We headed off to the ball game a little after 4 pm and just got back a little while ago.  Tonight's temperature made for perfect ball playing weather. We are home and settled in for another quiet Friday evening.

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