Friday, August 16, 2024

2 Months & 1 Day and 2 Months

In so many ways it seems much longer than 2 months. Two months from yesterday Abigail and Payton were married and two months from today Woody died. I had to go back to June 16 and count on my fingers twice as it seemed like it was more than "just" two months. Today was pretty much the same as any other day...these days. Get up and decide what I will do on any given day. I will say that last night I made my decision of the first thing to do today...get up and go to the grocery store. I needed to go early as my financial advisor said that he would stop by today so I could sign the papers that they had drawn up since I saw him yesterday. I didn't know when he would come, but I felt that I could go early as he probably wouldn't come by very I had asked them to call before he came. I headed off to Kroger...want to go on Fridays when I can, as that is the day that you can get 4 times the gas points...IF you remember to sign up for that digital coupon. And, I did get signed up for it for today's shopping trip. I really could have gotten by with waiting a couple of days, except that I am going to have a guest for lunch on Tuesday and I didn't want to go shopping on the day before she comes over, since I need to be cooking that day instead of shopping for food! I also was out of a couple of things that I am glad to have in the refrigerator again. I came home and got busy putting the food away. I also straightened out a couple of the shelves in my pantry. Plus also put away some dishes that require a step stool. I often leave the dishes that are on high shelves until I have several to put it is worth pulling out the step stool! Today I rearranged one of the upper shelves in the pantry, put away the rectangular casserole dishes, and put away some of my gold dishes which I replaced with some new ones that I bought. After I put away the casserole dishes I ended up deciding that I would get out the dishes that I need to use for the things that I need for my cooking for my lunch guest. So I climbed up my step stoop one more time and got out what I needed...which was a redundant move!!! Oh, well... Instead of putting away all the groceries I put the ingredients that I will need for my lunch so they will be within reach when it comes time to make the recipes for our lunch...trying to escape putting away and having to get out ingredients, again! Saved some steps for me when I am cooking on Monday! will keep in my mind what I plan to make for that day...I took a good nap after lunch. Then I talked with Ruth and Connie on the phone. And, in between all of the above I have done a little of this and a little of that. I did stitch a little...BUT...I misread the graph...there are two heart symbols on the solid and one just an outline...I read them just as a am now taking out most of what I stitched to get back to where the color is supposed to be different! Oh, well...not in a big rush to get these finished! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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