Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Tonight's photo is probably more for my sister than anyone else! I made a stop at the public library on my way home from church this evening. I needed to return a book, and decided to go inside and browse a bit. This book happened to be standing front forward and I could't resist checking it out. I needed to find out how Gilmore's eat! Gilmore is my maiden name. Of course this is a book that has something to do with the TV series, The Gilmore Girls. I enjoy this series so decided to check it out. I also found a photography book. By browsing, I found out that they library has been weeding all looks very neat inside. I was a little saddened by the fact that their photography section had shrunk noticeably. Today I didn't do a lot of anything...sort of making up for my busyness of the last few days. I did water the gardens a little before I left for tonight's Bible study. I didn't go out early this morning to water, as it was quite chilly...56° when I got up...brrrrrrr! I guess we are getting a little preview of Fall, though the predictions for 90s are in the 10-day forecast. But today was delightful! I managed to wash a large load of towels. I split the load into two for the dryer...and, still have the second load to remove and fold. I also worked on my latest cross stitch piece. I had thought that I would run a couple of errands, but changed my mind and put errand running off for another day. I talked with Melany this afternoon and they plan to come see me on Saturday. We are going to celebrate Erin's 31st birthday. So plans in the works for the weekend. Now, I am going to go have supper. I watered before heading to church instead of eating an early now...a late supper! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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