Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Hot and Hotter!

This morning started out in the 60s but soon rose well beyond that. I watered this morning and it wasn't too bad out. BUT...when I was coming home after working in the library this afternoon, the car thermometer read 99°. I'm not sure that it was that hot outside, but it was pretty hot. The car was REALLY hot when I got in it to head home. I had an appointment with my lawyer today. So information has been given for a will and powers of attorney. He will email me the draft and when I approve the draft, the documents will be drawn up and then it will be time for me to go in and sign on the dotted line. But for the moment one more "thing," that needs to be done, has been done. I came home and had lunch and then was back out the door to meet with Donna. We got under way with the next steps in the processing of our new order of books for the library. We worked for a couple of hours and then headed home. I have had a nap since coming home. Then I stitched for a little while. I'm getting close to another cross stitch finish...another Christmas present. I did have one more possible place to go this evening, but decided against it due to the heat and allergies...decided that I didn't need to spend a lot of time outside tonight. But Abigail is giving a birthday party for Payton at their property. I hope they are having a good time. But this Grammy is just ready to stay in and call it a night! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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