Saturday, August 31, 2024

A Red-Letter Day!

It RAINED!!!!!! As a matter of fact it is still lightly raining and looking at the radar, harder rain might be heading our way. My plants are much happier. They like God's watering better than mine! I did water this morning since we never got the rain that was predicted yesterday. I just watered in the front yard...but now the herb garden and the new garden at the head of the driveway has also been watered. Jo and I took lunch to a friend who had surgery last week. That is the reason that I was making Tomato Basil soup and homemade bread. I made the bread this morning and it worked out well...I got up and got it going in plenty of time for it to be finished by the time we planned to deliver the meal. We had a nice visit and our friend is doing very well. When I got home I was ready to do pretty much nothing...I had lunch and then just sat! Nathan and Elijah arrived...Elijah drove over here! He got his learner's permit earlier this another Dorrell on the road!!! I sent Nathan on a sonny-do get me some new filters for my air return at the top of the stairs. I cleaned up the kitchen after they left...I hadn't gotten up enough energy to clean up the bread making mess. The kitchen looks much better now. Oh, the rosemary bread turned out really well. I enjoyed a grilled cheese made with it. Nathan and Elijah each enjoyed a piece with butter on it before they left. I spent time typing up a couple of recipes this to go in my recipe app and one that Cheryl and I want to try from the Gilmore Girls' cookbook. I've also planned a few meals that half-way sounded good to be to eat in the upcoming week. I am working on using items that are in the freezer. I think that I may have the next week all planned for. I'm hoping for a low-key week. And, now to bid August farewell. I have already turned my downstairs calendar page to September...I was up on a stool putting away some dishes and realized that I was right next to the calendar...and...that it would be good to turn it while I was already up on the stool and not risk my neck climbing up again!!!! Another day is drawing to a close as is the month! To be month! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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