Monday, August 26, 2024

Monday Rolled Around…Again!

I just think that this little guy is cute...and he isn't causing havoc in my can be cute. This isn't my photo. I have borrowed it from of their many photos from a recent trip to Colorado. Today I started out determined to work on a sewing project. I did get part of the pressing that needed to be done...but "something" pulled me away from it and I never got "back to it!" Seems to be the story of my life these days. One of my accomplishments of the day didn't even take five minutes. I made an appointment with a lawyer to make a new of the things that has been on my list for a while. I gathered a few things that might be needed at the have made a folder to take with me...hoping that I have thought ahead and will have information that he will need! The appointment is in the morning. A book order arrived today so in a little while I plan to get the books out and write the information in them...the first thing to be done to them after the books arrive...start of processing the books. Donna and I plan to work in the library for a little move the books along a little further in the process of getting them ready to check out. I did go to prayer meeting this evening...but this evening's was a little different. I knew that all of the regular attendees were out of pocket tonight. I went just in case someone new decided to attend. So it was a prayer meeting of one tonight. Graham had his first day at Middle Tennessee State University. I asked him what he thought about his classes...his response: "That there were a lot more people in the classes than at Motlow!" Joy texted me that she had had a good day with her first two classes at Motlow State Community College. I checked to see if she had stopped at the Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM0 building. She said that she had. I guess I missed out on checking on one more person...should have asked her if she saw her father! Nathan is the director of the Nathan is back to his other part-time job starting today! Busy times in their house and out and about! I'm sure the rest of the famiy are busy with their home schooling. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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