Saturday, August 10, 2024

Pretty Much a Do-Nothing Saturday

I didn't have a very good night and when I finally just went on and got up this morning, I still didn't feel good. So I just took it easy. I did do a few trivial things around the house, but other than those few things, I just pretty much just sat in my downstairs' recliner. I played around with the TV and found out more about what all I can watch on this Roku TV. This TV has been Woody's TV and I just left it to him to choose what was watched, so I never learned what all I can watch on this TV. I found one of the home-type programs...this one dealt with tiny houses and since Nathan and Kathy have recently gotten a tiny house, I was interested in seeing what all can be done in a tiny house for storage. Right now Abigail and Payton are living in the tiny house...until their house is ready. After a few of the tiny house programs, I decided that I would watch the rest of the movie that Cheryl and I started while she was here and that we never finished. I also did some napping and do feel better since I napped and just did close to nothing most of the day. Right now I have discovered that I can watch YouTubes on this found out that I can watch the needlework videos that I enjoy...what we needleworkers call "FlossTube." It's interesting to watch them on the TV screen after watching them on my iPad small screen. I have done a little reading, too. I did do a load of wash that I need to get out of the dryer before I head upstairs tonight. I'm hoping that when I wake up tomorrow I will feel more like myself! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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