Friday, August 2, 2024

I Can See Clearly Now!

Today's "big happening" was being released from the eye doctor after both my cateract surgeries. He said that I was seeing perfectly and that I no longer had an astigmatism and that both eyes were healed from surgery and also the left eye was healed from the abrasion. We got to talking about how miraculously the eye heals and I never got what my vision was corrected to. Oh, long as I can see well! He told me to get 2.50 readers and they work perfectly. I stopped after my appointment and got a couple of pairs to try that strength out. I will purchase more now that I know they work...and place them stragetically around in places that I might need them. They definitely make reading easier...and even typing this, I can easily read the screen with them. I have tried them when stitching and they work for that, too. So I think that I am good to go at least for the time being. My morning was wrapped around making a grocery list and doing the shopping and getting the groceries put away. I spent a little time trying to reorganize the least a little. It probably needs more organizing, but for now it is better. I have watched a little of the Olympics. Seeing the track and field get under way and also watching volleyball, takes me back to Woody's and my trip to Atlanta for the Olympics in 1996. So glad we got to experience that together. I just got out the folder of things thwt I saved from that day so many years ago. I usually get the folder out sometime during the summer Olympics to relive the memories. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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