Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Thoroughly Tuesday

Looking back on the day, I guess it has been fairly busy. I did some cooking this morning before I went to the church library after lunch. I made another of my mother's recipes, Artichoke Rice Medley. It can be served either warm or cold. I made it this morning so it would be cold by supper time. I did eat a few bies warm...but I like it better cold. So had a few more bites of it cold for supper! Donna and I did maintenance in the library and then worked on choosing some books for our next book order. Before I left for the library, my latest lamp order arrived. I ordered a floor lamp to go with the table lamp that I ordered for the family room a couple of weeks back. I brought it in off the front porch before I left. After I got home, I put it together. One of my friends who is moving and also has eye problems decided to get rid of her cross stitch supplies and sent them by way of Donna. So I loaded up the two bags of stitching stuff and brought that home after we finished in the library. I have sorted through what all she gifted me for the first time. I will go through it again and do a little more organizing of it at another time. It looks like she started stitching back in the 90s...a lot of memories of past stitching in the bags she gave me. Only a couple of duplicates. One of the small charts have a sticker on it that says Windsor Castle and the cost is in pounds. I am guessing that she has traveled to England. Interesting what our needlework choices tell about the stitcher. I wonder what people will learn about one day when my needlework supplies are gone through!!!!! I did a little more stitching on the Christmas stitch that I started yesterday. I also finished the church library book this morning before I headed off to the library. I turned it in and checked out two more. The librarian allowed me to check out more even though I was so delinquent with the one returned today! Today is the day to get recycled items out to the curb along with the trash can. I did that job which I had to knock down seveal boxes...I got all the boxes that the lamp came in today out to the road...so no cardboard boxes hanging around...at the moment, anyway. To be continued! Be safe! Be well Be cautious!

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