Monday, August 12, 2024

24 Years Ago

24 years ago, we were in Statesboro, GA for Nathan and Kathy's wedding. In some ways it seems like yesterday and in others it seems like a really long time ago! Happy anniversary, Nathan and Kathy! I've had a stay-at-home day except for going to prayer meeting tonight. I have been home for a little while...had supper and am settling in for the evening. This morning, I got busy on my downstairs' stitching project, as I was almost finished with it last night. I finished stitching it and then headed outside to water the gardens. We are so dry. It has been some time since we had any rain. But so far the gardens are doing well, so I keep watering. We have had quite a few days of very pleasant temperatures. I am starting to feel that Fall isn't all that far away. I'm sure that we will have plenty of very warm temperatures ahead of us over the next couple of months...but Fall isn't all that far off. I'm working on finishing a book before I go to work in the church library tomorrow. I have had this book for a really long time...the librarian's privilege? But it is time to return it!!! So my plan for this evening is to finish it. That will be two finishes stitching piece and one book. I have already started a new needlework piece...this new project is for a Christmas present. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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