Thursday, August 22, 2024

More Finds

Can you believe these two receipts...the cost of the hospital for both mother and baby back in 1970! This is dated three days after Melany's birth...guess Woody was reckoning up to get us discharged! Note that there is no balance. The check marks show that we were inpatients...and I can add that I was admitted early on April 8th and Melany joined us a little after noon that same day. So we were there the 8th, 9th, 10th, and discharged on the 11th. So parts of 4 days...all for less than $200. Note that there are only three ways to pay...check, cash, or money "cards" back in those days. I found these two receipts in one of Woody's dresser drawers that I hadn't gone through yet. I will say that a lot of the receipts that I did find, I am not quite ready to put in file 13...many brought back fond memories of our early years of marriage. I have put those I deemed worth of keeping a little longer back in a pile in the same drawer for the time being. I may slip these two receipts in Melany's baby book. I remember sayint that Melany cost in the range of $200 and I know that two years later, when Nathan was born in California, the cost had risen many times over. But with Nathan we dealt with the problem that I entered the hospital with a bad kidney infection and he was born in the middle of the night of the day I entered, so the cost of our hospital stay wasn't seen as totally a maternity stay by the insurance company. Maybe I will find his hospital receipts?!? I did find Melany's first visit to the pediatrician out in maybe...also found a receipt from my OB in California. I can't remember if we said that Melany cost $200 or $250...but the rest of that amount would be the amount we paid my OB in Tullahoma. Definitely a bit different than the cost of babies and hospital stays in 2024! But thought that this was a fun find to share with you on the blog tonight. Today has been a stay-at-home day. I began catching up on my wash today...still have one more load to wash...waiting till I have my clean pajamas on so I can wash the jeans I am wearing today. I have felt tired all day. I'm wondering if part of my tiredness is tied up with waiting on reports from one of my friends who had open heart surgery today. I kept checking in with her Facebook page, where her granddaughter was keeping friends and family up to date. Her surgery started around 7:30am and we didn't get word that it was over and successful till around 4pm. Now to wait for the next 48-72 hours as these are the critical next hours. Definitely a sigh of relief when I heard that it was over and the doctors were pleased with the outcome. I never did get up the energy to run errands today...maybe tomorrow?!? Pretty good chance of is 4Xfuel points at Kroger so I will go out and make my stop or two prior to stopping at Kroger. I don't need much but will stop and get the few items that I do need. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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