Wednesday, August 14, 2024


Today has been one of those days that there wasn't anything I "had" to do till this evening when I had a Bible study at church. I read a little, stitched a little, cleaned a little, watered my gardens a little, talked on the phone a little, maybe dozed a little. Lots of "a little" going on! I did watch a movie today, Sister Act 2. I watched Sister Act (1) with Cheryl when I was visiting in Arizona...many years ago. You can tell how many movies that I have watched when I can pinpoint when and where I watched a movie! I once again have shifted items from one place to another...sometimes those items find a permanent place...sometimes they just get put another place till I find a permanent place! Lots of shuffling!!!! Eventually things will settle into a place of their own...or get donated or put in file 13. Today was garbage day so I once again have an empty garbage can to put some of the throw-away things in. I did do a little more paper work that I needed to get done...will get that to the proper hands tomorrow. Sort of rambling tonight! Guess that is what happens when I really didn't do much of anything to do! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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