Saturday, August 3, 2024

Happy 17th Birthday to Esther!

The top photo shows Esther when she was modeling one of the dresses that I made for her...back in the days when she "loved" dresses. The bottom photo shows her the way she prefers to dress currently! She wore the bridesmaid's dress for Abigail's wedding, but she was out of it and into her jeans as soon as she could that afternoon. Today she turned 17...that doesn't seem possible! We will celebrate her big day tomorrow. I stayed home all day today and did a little of this and a little of that. I cooked a little, got back to writing thank you notes, did some more sorting through Woody's papers. He had a stack on the floor next to his side of the those had to be there for years as he hadn't been upstairs in the last couple of years. I have them in three stacks...throw away, personal things he had written, and medical information. I got rid of a lot of them, but still need to look through the ones that I kept againto decide what is to be kept. A slow process...but I am enjoying the memories of some of the things I have found. The new lamp arrived today (the lamp to replace the one that broke when we moved it the other day). I had to put it together...including the lampshade. It ended up being quite easy and I will say this kept the lamp shade in good condition. The lamp that broke the other day had a defective shade when it arrived many years ago. The company sent another shade, but it still had a sending actual lampshades through the mail can be iffy on the outcome. But the way this one came...with the shade material all rolled up and ready to snap on the metal ring frames, it came without a bend or dent in it. I am happy with the way my stitchy spot is turning out. I haven't stitched yet today, but do plan to in a little while, once the kitchen is cleaned up. I had a late supper and just finished up so still have some dishes to put in the dishwasher. I will stitch and watch the Olympics this evening. I have watched the Olylmpics some during the day some, so there may not be much new to watch this evening. So I may move on to something else. I'm trying to do some meal planning...trying to get inspired to cook and eat in a different way now that there is only one for me to feed most of the time. I did make a macaroni/ham salad this afternoon. It's a favorite salad that Mother used to make. I seem to be leaning toward recipes of my mother's lately. I have been looking through cookbooks trying to find recipes that appeal to me. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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