Friday, August 9, 2024


I let the day start slowly...because I could! I had a late breakfast and then headed out to run an errand. I stopped at the library to pick up a book that I had put on hold. I just realized the other day that it is almost time for my Cottey bookclub and that I hadn't read the book nor did I have it. Luckily one of the libraries in our county system had it and it got brought to our local library very quickly after I requested it. I started the book this afternoon...I will have to keep my nose in it to get it finished by a week from tomorrow. It is a non-fiction book...about the US governmet...probably not the easiest read...though so far what I have read is interesting. While at the library, I decided to tell them about Woody's death so they could update there records. It wasn't necessary to tell them. The library worker told me that the funeral homes let them know about deaths and he had already been taken out of their system. I wish that you could see Woody's library was well used and only a fraction of it's original size. He had used it many years. Up until recently...probably prior to the pandemic, he made a weekly trip to the library. Many, many books were checked out using that card...and, it shows. After the library, I made a quick stop at Kroger to pick up a couple of things that I neglected to get last week for a recipe that I plan to make. I made one of those recipes this a seafood salad is in the refrigerator awaiting one of my meals tomorrow. Instead of stitching this afternoon, I read my book. Working on a load of clothes while I write this. Hopefully that load will be dried and put away before I head to bed tonight. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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