Monday, August 5, 2024

Monday Rolls Around Again

Tonight's photo is Peaches, one of the cats we gave Esther many years ago. Peaches greeted me when I was at the Dorrell farm on Sunday for Esther's birthday. This photo I took a few years back. My main task of yesterday and today has been to clean up the photos on my phone and my iPad and transfer photos from my cameras. At this point I have all that is on the phone and iPad and cameras backed up in two places. Cameras' photo cards have all been camera has any photos on them for the moment. I have deleted all but the one that is my screen saver on my phone. And, I have been working on deleting a good many from my iPad...trying to just leave ones that I might share on the blog and the most recent family ones. I still have photos on the iPad since I got it four years or so ago. Way too many! I am slowly whittling the number down. I have gone through them once since I backed them all up. I have deleted a lot, but still many more to dispose of. Around the house, I continue to go through things...not sure exactly what I did today when I look back...but...I do know that I have made MANY trips up and down the stairs today...putting one or another item away...also doing a lot of throwing away. Since tomorrow is trash day, I have gone through what I had set aside to throw away...I did find a few things that I hadn't realized were in that pile and I moved them to the box of items to keep. But the papers to go through that I have found at this point are getting less and I have thrown away more than I have kept. I did find another small stack in a box pulled them out. I'm still going through those. I went through the pencil holder today...Woody liked different pencils than I do...I removed "his" pencils and added mine to the pencil holder next to the chair in family room. The basket next to the family room recliner had Woody's books, puzzles, and papers in it. I have cleared it out and now have put books, notepads, and other things that I want to have at hand. I feel a little funny about taking over his space...but guess it is better to utilize that recliner and space around it than let that area sit empty! I have spent a lot of time in this area especially since the Olympics are on, but also because of what I have been doing...some stitching and a lot of photo sorting...all of which can easily be done in that recliner. I stayed home today until it was time for prayer meeting. I went to prayer meeting and came home and am now settling in for the night. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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