Monday, March 18, 2024

Chilly Monday

Spring is just around the arriving tomorrow night...but we have one of those TN winters coming around the corner, too...I think that it may be Redbud Winter, as the redbuds are blooming. We have a freeze warning out for the over night and early morning hours. It is supposed to get into the upper 20s. Brrrrrrrrrrr! I just covered the car windows to keep from having to scrape them in the morning...the wind may keep the frost away, but better safe than sorry! It will be bad enough having to face the low temps once again as we head out dark and early...don't want to have to scrape windows to freeze my fingers even more. It was already cold tonight when I came home from prayer meeting. We have had a quiet day. I did a little of this and a little of that around the house. I am also trying to finish a book before it is whisked back into cyberspace. It is one for next month's Cottey bookclub so I want to finish it. If I let it get away from me unfinished, I may not get high enough on the list to get it back again before the next meeting. I have not cared a lot for this book, but am determined to finish it...just a few chapters left...I think I can, I think I can..! Woody has been pretty quiet today and told me a little while ago that he has a headache...but so far isn't interested in taking any Tyelenol. I told him not to let it keep him from sleeping so ask me for some if it gets to that point. I don't think that I have done any dozing during the day today so maybe I will be able to sleep through the night. Last night I fell asleep shortly after settling into my chair and then woke up around midnight and then had trouble falling back to sleep for several hours. I am hoping to fall asleep a little later and then sleep through the whole night...we will see! I also stitched on one of my cross stitch that I hadn't touched for a while and managed to get finished with a part that was a bit of a struggle to keep the colors straight in it...I think that since I got that part finished that the rest of it will go easier...time will tell. I added more to the box puzzle in the closet. The one end of the closet is about boxed in...the other side needs to wait till I take the corner tree down that I have decoated with Spring and Easter decorations. The corner tree box is the bottom of the box puzzle on that end of the closet. So a bit away from getting all the boxes put away. I think that once I get the one end boxed in, that I will put the boxes that are left into Melany's old room...that will clear the hallway. I'm ready for more order upstairs! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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