Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day 3, Cycle 3

Sometimes on the way to and from Vanderbilt we see wild animals and sometimes...domestic ones! We thought that this fire hydrant in Wartrace, TN was rather unique...we have driven past it many times, but this was the first time that it had drawn our attention.

Woody went to work early, walked at lunch, came home, early evening he had a bit of a sinking spell...but never went to sleep...according to him (but, I can't vouch for that as I was upstairs having a nap, as I had a long day away from home). He has taken all of today's drug study medications...all 13 pills. He's on the over-the-hump day for the known chemo drug...just two more days to take that and the nausea medication (which will subtract 5 pills from his "regimen")...then he will "only" have to take the drug study medication (8 pills) for the rest of the week.

We are heading out for our evening walk as soon as I post nap put us later than usual for our walk...we'll have to watch out for night critters!

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