Saturday, September 21, 2024

A First on Last Day Summer

A little while ago, I headed outside to check on the piece...from Woody's supplemental insurance...note how it was addressed. That's a first. The best part about this mail was that it shows how much I might owe...and the bottom lime was $0...always a good bottom line! I think this may be the last EOB from them, but I'm not sure. It seemed to cover most of his last days in the hospital and his last dialysis treatments here in town. But I won't be surprised if I get another one or two! This one had his air ambulance amount in it. Wow! His supplemental insurance wasn't cheap, but it always came through for him so in that it was worth that big amount each month! Today I have continued to finish my Fall decorating both in and out. I wanted it done before Fall actually arrived...which is tomorrow. And, I made it. I placed the last pumpkin just a little while ago. I have dusted and polished and placed and put away...quite a few trips up and down the stairs. I an glad that it is finished. I still have to pick up polishing cloths and cleaning products and get them put away. Melany texted me a little whie ago to say that it was raining on them...around an hour away from us but nary a drop here. We are soooooo dry. I just went out to put something into the trash can and discovered that my little elves weed eated a path for me so I can walk to the faucet on the backside of the ramp without getting tangled in weeds and brambles. That was a pleasant discovery. They really have got a very good start on cleaning out the garage! Looks so much better already! My other activity today was my Zoom Cottey Alum Monthly Book Club. We had a nice group again today. I had read the book so long ago that I had trouble remembering details, but I enjoyed listening to the others discuss it. I said a little today, but very little! It's just nice to get together. So far I haven't been able to get next month's selection. I may really only be a listener next month! My tasks left for tonight are to put a few dishes in the dishwasher, run the dishwasher, get a load of clothes out of the dryer, perhaps wash another load...if I think I can make another trip up and down the stairs...I will study my Sunday School lesson and hope to gather a few lenses together, as I may do a little galavanting to try out my camera a little farther from far I haven't gone farther than across the street to take a picture of my house! I need to figure out how to travel with my camera...just what I need to take when I take a little trip soon. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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