Monday, September 23, 2024

Monday Muddlings

Trying to prepare for a short trip and doing every Monday "things" plus adding in extra things...makes for a bit of a muddling of my mind! This morning was catch-up-on-wash day...I have put one load away, ut still have one load in the dryer and one load in the that task has extended into the whole day! I took a break to get ready to go to lunch. Linda H. and I had made plans to go to The Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) Monday lunch. Nathan is the director of the BCM so I ended up having lunch with Linda and Nathan, Kathy, Joy, Elijah, Isaac, and Joseph. I had arranged with Joy for her to cut my hair today. When she found out that I was going to eat at the BCM lunch, she suggested that she cut my hair there. Joy came over for lunch after her last class of the day, which put her there during the serving time for lunch. So after lunch, she, Linda and I went to one of the rooms in the BCM and Joy set to work. She did a great job. I convinced her to cut it shorter than she had the last time. I told her my test of a good haircut is that when I go out after getting it cut and if the wind is blowing...not a hair on my head moves!!!! No wind today...but I do believe that this cut would have passed "my test!" Going back to the BCM lunch. It has been a tradition just about from the start of the BCM (back in the day it was the Baptist Student Union (BSU) that once a week (Mondays) a lunch is served by ladies from various churches in the area. There is a suggested donation of $3 per person that goes into a fund to send BCM students on mission trips. Good for the students, faculty, and others (like Linda and me). Today workmen doing a job on campus came in for their lunch. When school started, those workers said that they were so glad that the Monday meals would be starting up again...that they had missed them during the summer. We had lasagna for lunch today...good food...good fellowship...and, for me...a good hair cut! This evening I had Furnace Room Prayer Meeting. I'm home and ready to settle in for the rest of the evening. I will go start the dryer and get that load finished drying and then get the next load in. I still have a load of towels to do. We'll see if that happens tonight or tomorrow. In my "down time" today, I have worked on deciding what I need to pack...haven't had to pack to go anywhere except to the hospital to stay with Woody in quite a while! I want to pack light, but also don't want to leave anything necessary out, either! Decisions! Decisions! More on this later in the week! Marie, Carolyn and I did go on a barn trip yesterday...the first one in quite a while. It was a pretty day...lots of pretty clouds. You will probably be seeing photos from this trip for a while...mixed in with hopefully some from be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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