Saturday, September 28, 2024

Another Good Day to Stay Home

Tonight's photos are some barns that I took along the road on our they could be a TN barn, a NC barn, or a GA barn. I didn't put my GPS on the camera...haven't learned how to do that yet...the way it works is to pair it with my iPhone...and I haven't taken the time to figure that out yet...plenty of other things to figure out first! These photos have been doctored using software...sort of making them painting-like. The rainy conditions didn't make it very easy to get really sharp, clear photos through a rain swept windshield or side window! So I am having fun with what I did get...and the details on these interesting barns are visible. We haven't had a lot of rain today, but it has drizzled off and on throughout the day...more drizzle this evening than earlier. We are still in the very edges of the spin of Helene...the whispy trails...sometimes we are in between trails and oters they pass over us for a little while. Kathy's parents did have hurricane damage in southern Georgia. A tree fell on their house. Their electricity is out and it is not expected to be back on for a couple of weeks. Last I heard they were waiting to hear from an insurance person. One of their grandsons is supposed to come help get the tree off their house and cut up. It's good to have lots of grandchildren, as there is bound to be one who has expertise in something that you need done!!! The damage from this storm is just much wind and flooding damage. A main artery across the U.S., Interstate 40, was partly washed away near the TN/NC border. At one point it was said not to drive anywhere in western NC. We have heard from all our group who met up in GA and they made it home safely. One couple chose to stay at the hotel Thursday night and then decide Friday whether it was safe to drive home to South Carolina or wait another day. I'm glad that they did as I heard constantly about tornadoes in SC throughout the night Thursday. They did go home yesterday and said that they could see where trees had been across roadways, but that they had been cleared and that they didn't have much traffic getting home. They were pulling a camper. We were glad to hear that they had gotten home safely and that their home was okay. Another couple who couldn't come due to another obligation were at a point in the path of the hurricane, but that its path didn't end up doing much damage in their area...just lots of rain...something like 7 inches. And, they had two trees come down, but not on their house. All that to say that is just two people from our group and when I think of ALL who were affected, it is mind boggling. I sort of took another day of not doing a lot. I did get more things put away of what I took with me on the trip. I charged camera batteries. I continued to go through the camera manual with my new camera to see what's new with this camera. I have done a little reading. I have studied my Sunday School lesson for tomorrow. I have read some from a photography book that I checked out from the library. But my biggest effort was to make chili and then clean up the kitchen. I only have the task of turning on the waiting to see if I have any glasses or mugs upstairs that need to be put in, then I will start that. So it has been a day of doing a little of this and a little of that...I like that kind of day sometimes...especially when it is a rainy, dreary day...good day for ducks, if you are a duck...or a good day to stay in if you are like me! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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