Friday, September 27, 2024

Today = A Staycation!

I decided that I would just extend my vacation into today, since I had planned to be away. I have worked with some of the photos that I took. When I was up moving around, I put a few things away that I had taken. I worked with my new camera, too...just trying different settings on items around the house. I have read a little...but mostly just sat around and did a lot of nothing! One of our friends, who ended up missing our gathering, suggested that Marie and I meet her for lunch next week. We will fill her in on what she missed and share photos with her. It has rained off and on a good part of the day. At the moment we are in a no-rain part of the swirl of clouds. We have had some wind, but not really bad. I have stayed inside except for going out to get the mail when it wasn't raining. I posted a couple of photos of the place where we stayed...very nice and relaxing spot...plenty of space to be able to gather into a group and visit. All who came were very ready to come back again next year...hopefully without a hurricane. As we were leaving we learned an interesting fact about our hotel. It was built by the state of Georgia for the 1996 Olympics. The Olympics used the Ocoee River for white river rafting competition. I remember that the Olympics that were held in Atlanta did that part of the Olypics in TN...where my children have done white river rafting...not me! Marie and I drove right along the Ocoee on our way to the hotel. The hotel was in Georgia, but also almost withing a hop-skip-and-a-jump from North Carolina and TN. The hotel is owned by the state of Georgia, but run by a private entity. I will end this with a shot of the inside of the hotel lobby...our group is in the distance. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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