Monday, June 24, 2019

A No-Show Day—Day 14

A butterfly like the one pictured flew away today when I opened the back door.  We have a butterfly bush similar to this one outside the back door and I'm guessing that it had been enjoying one of the flowers when I so rudely opened the door. I believe that this is a Spice Bush Swallowtail butterfly...but not absolutely sure...and my resident butterfly expert is at the Monday Night Furnace Room prayer meeting.

Well, no workmen showed up today...sigh...I was so hoping that the ceiling phase (phase 2) would be completed today.  Friday it was indicated that they would be back today to finish...unless...the contractor wanted them someplace else today.  Well, I guess that is what must have happened.  My thoughts are that probably the nickel gap panels still aren't in and since our work couldn't proceed that the workers were needed more someplace else.  At least having that thought in my mind gives the benefit of the doubt in their favor!  I keep reminding myself...PATIENCE!

Yesterday I managed to duplicate with the microwave pretty closely one of the pasta dishes that I make fairly frequently for Woody.  I found out via the Internet how to cook pasta...put pasta in a microwave safe bowl and cover it with water and then cook it on high for three minutes longer than what the box directions say.  In the end I cooked it a bit longer than that and it came out great.  I then just drained it and then added the sauce that I also cooked in the microwave.  Very, very close to what I usually cook on top of the stove.  Nathan said that maybe I wouldn't even want to use the new stove once it gets installed.  Ummmmmm no chance at all of that happening...every day look more forward to the new stove and ovens!

I keep saying that I'm going to sew, but so far just can't get motivated to begin.  I did transfer a couple of embroidery designs to my machine today...a step towards a project that I have in mind.  Woody and I are both doing quite a bit of reading during this renovation time.  Other than some cooking, a little cleaning, keeping up with our wash, there isn't a lot to do inside the house since it so topsy-turvy. Isaac and Joseph did come over and read to me today...don't want them to lose their early reading skills over the summer.  They still aren't at the stage that they pick up something to read...would rather be read we want to have them practice at least some over the summer...just hard to find the time between our workmen and their trips.  Woody continues to put in some time outside weeding and mulching, when the weather cooperates.  Today we had a storm blow in...was rather windy for a while and we had several new branches down in our and Nathan's yards by the time it blew through.  Elijah was helping to pick up the larger ones. He was carrying a large forked branch...would have been a great sling shot for a giant! We seem to be caught in a stormy pattern...seems like we have at least one each day.  The rain is making happy plants. Well, most of them...I think that we have lost one of our rescue plants.

One funny before I close for this blog:  Yesterday Joseph (5) was counting to four in Spanish to his daddy.  It went something like this, so I heard: "uno, dos, tres, TACO!  Keep smiling!

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