Saturday, June 22, 2019

Cicada Lesson—Day 12

This is the back tire on our green Taurus.  It may be hard to see but there are three cicadas clinging to the tire in three stages of their lives.  If you click on the photo you will be able to see them.  I will show pictures of them individually as I continue on in the blog.

This is a photo of one where the cicada is still inside of its hard can see the green cacada through the shell.

Here is the cicada out of its shell.  It was still drying out and getting ready to move on its travels...probably to go somewhere so it can serenade us.  If you don't know what I am talking about when I say serenade then you haven't ever lived here in the South!  There is a certain time each evening when the cicadas all get together and their hum/buzz is very noticeable.  I know when my parents were visiting here from Arizona that they noted that they started in with their "song" every evening at about the same time.  And,it is very loud!

And, here is the empty shell.  We find these clinging to things all over the yard at this time of the year.  This was the first time we have found them clinging to the tires.  The children like to collect them and then surprise a friend or sibling by putting them onto their clothing.  They cling with their little brittle shell feet!

I guess since there was nothing new to tell about the kitchen, I decided to give you a little lesson about these interesting critters.  Every seven or so years there is a bumper crop of these critters...perhaps this is the year?!?

We have had a pretty much ”do nothing" kind of least I have.  This kitchen renovation has me so out of routine that I just sort of move from one place to another not accomplishing much!  I have done some wash...both clothing and dishes.  I have read a little.  Well, after sYing that...I will 
say that I did accomplish a major something...I met my goal of reading through the Bible this year 
and did it in a little under six months.  

Woody went to the libaray for his usual Saturday visit.  He has done a little in the garden, but showers keep popping up.  He has done a lot of reading today, too. 

We have now been without a kitchen for 12 days...and are wondering how many more, but it doesn't look like we will have one any day soon unless by some miracle!

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