Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Shot of Wild Turkey, Anyone?

Not too far down the road from the bison we happened to spot this rafter of turkey walking across a field. There were at least ten (as seen in the top picture). I'm not sure that I got all of them into the picture. I was intent on getting pictures so I didn't take the time to count! The most that Woody has ever seen in a group (rafter) of wild turkeys is six. It really was quite a sight to see them strutting across the field. (pictures are clickable so they can be enlarged to see the rafter and the single turkey better; be sure to scroll across to see all the turkeys in the rafter)
Woody completed day 3 of cycle 2 at 6pm. So far, so good. He hasn't had any adverse effects...yet. The fourth day was the roughest last time and Dr. Sosman figured that it would be about the same as last time. So far he hasn't had that bad taste/smell.
Woody got up early this morning, took his anti-nausea pill prior to leaving for work and took his chemo pills after he got to work. Instead of walking at lunch he had some business to take care of on the other side of the base this morning, so he walked there (a longer walk than his usual 2 miles at lunch, but cooler since it was earlier). Since coming home, he has been relaxing and reading.

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