Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Well...another day at Vandy...and changes in plans

Woody had his labs done first. Then he went in to see Dr. Sosman. Dr. Sosman's Fellow talked with us first and asked questions to see if Woody was ready both physically and mentally for the next IL-2. Then Dr. Sosman came in and talked with Woody. His creatinine level is finally back in the normal range--just barely but at least in the normal range. They took a lot of time with us talking through questions that Woody had and also checking their computer records. Both doctors encouraged Woody to go back for at least one more treatment. They also stressed that Woody could take as many or as few as he wanted. That he might even take one treatment and then skip the next and then take the next, etc. They talked about how to help him get through the rigors (shakes)...which is really the worst part of this treatment for Woody.

Woody did share that his right hip was hurting (the hurt didn't all go away after he removed his glasses from his pocket (see Feb. 28th's post)). That wasn't a spot that anything had shown up on prior xrays, scans, etc. The Fellow said that perhaps it was bursitis. That sounded good to Woody--over the alternative that it might be another melanoma tumor in the bone. Dr. Sosman did order x-rays to sort of check out the situation.

So we left Dr. Sosman's office with orders for xrays and also with the go-ahead to be back at Vandy tomorrow (Mar. 4th) at 1pm to have the pic line put in and then be admitted for the second part of his Interleukin 2 treatment.

He got the xrays done. (They took over 20 xrays!) Then we headed back home--another very long day--we left the house at 12:30pm and didn't walk back in the door of our house till a little after 8pm.

Shortly after we got home, I went upstairs to check our phone messages. AND...the second message was from Dr. Sosman's nurse saying that Woody wasn't entering the hospital tomorrow...that it would be Friday (Mar. 6th) and that she would call with details tomorrow!

Soooooooooo looks like plans have changed. We aren't all that upset about the change as this will give Woody a couple more days to gain more strength. And I am glad to have a bit more time to get ready.

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