Sunday, July 25, 2010

End of a VERY Adventurous Day!

First off when I got to the hospital this morning...Woody greeted me with the fact that he needed washing of the side effects of one of the chemos is diarrhea...need I say more...he was appalled that he had "gone through" so many pairs of underwear. So adventure #1 for me was to wash clothes at the hospital...I'd never done that before. They have a small laundry room with a washer and dryer and you just have to ask a nurse for some detergent. So I sat and read while I waited on clothes to be washed and dried.

Woody definitely isn't feeling very well. No energy, no get up and go...wellllllllllll...really that is about all he has done...get up and go! He still is running a low grade fever. They will be calling in the dentists in the morning to be sure that it isn't due to his tooth. I reminded Woody that he ran a fever with IL-2...he had forgotten that. say that Woody is feeling puny is an understatement. He has eaten next to nothing...I have managed to get him to eat some yogurt and that is about it. He was nauseated last evening after I left. Today he just has that nauseous feeling when they start passing out the pills! He is supposed to have a consult with the pain management team also tomorrow...I will say that his pain seems to be less now that he is on the neurontin...but then it may seem less since he has other issues that might be taking his mind off his pain! adventure for the "sick one's" wife! Here at the lodge there really aren't any strangers as everyone is pretty much in the same boat...a seriously ill patient who is in the hospital at NIH. Well, I talked several times to a lady from the Atlanta area who had flown up here with a friend who had kidney surgery last week. She was planning to go get a rental car this afternoon and she asked me if she could get me anything if she found a WalMart while she was out and about. We ended up meeting over at the hospital and decided that I would go with her and help her navigate back. What a trip! We are still laughing about it. We took the NIH shuttle to Dulles airport and got off just as a really bad storm blew up...but the Lord was looking out for us as we only got a few raindrops on us...and it had gone on by the time we got her rental car. She got the car and we were off!!!!!!!!! She was determined to find a WalMart...but where we were just wasn't a place for WalMarts. So we decided to at least try to find a CVS pharmacy...she knew where one was not too far from the NIH campus. Well, we started heading back to Bethesda...and we were on the Capitol Beltway...and on the part that Woody and I had I was able to lead her right back to campus...only problem was...really there were several problems...when we got back and were going back to campus the way Woody and I usually go...we turned onto the street and a huge tree had blown down in the storm and was across the road we needed to be on. to find another way. About this time I realized that it was Sunday and...there is only one entrance that you can enter through on Sunday...and that was the entrance that Woody and I had never been able to locate on our last trip! So..........we drove around and around and around...Ann (my new found friend!) finally said that she felt like she was in a movie! I suggested the movie Ground Hog Day. Anyway, we finally found a gate where someone let us through...and we proceeded to head back to the lodge. What a day!!!!!!!!!!!! I am really glad that I went with her as she did need a navigator more than a GPS...we had one of those and we still went around and around and around! Oh, and in our round about way we did find the CVS that she was looking for...and my most important purchase was Charmin toilet Woody's request...what they have here is about like tissue paper and very poor quality tissue paper at that! I will miss my new cohort in crime after she leaves tomorrow!

Woody did ask that you pray about his tooth problem.

I doubt that tomorrow will be as adventurous...well...I do have to move to another that should be an adventure...just one adventure after another! I took the sunset picture on my way back to the lodge. The sky was absolutely beautiful tonight after the storms...on the way back I heard chainsaws...sawing up that tree that blocked our way back!

And, last but not least...a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of our blog followers...our grandson, Alex, turned 13 today...oh, my...another teenage grandchild!

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