Monday, September 23, 2013

Doin' The Bunny Hop?

Ha! Ha! Tonight's title is definitely funny for our one quick or agile enough these days to even think about doing a bunny hop! And, I don't think that that will be one of the dances tonight on Dancing With the Stars! Woody has taken it pretty easy today except for running one errand. I got up and headed in to sew. I completed the project that I took to the Sew Super Saturday--a skirt for Joy. It is called a Sudoko Skirt...and it was a bit of a puzzle to make. I really worked hard at keeping all the pieces in their correct order...but still managed to cut one of the pieces too small. I had enough fabric to cut another piece and this sewing project is now history...except for seeing if it will fit our Joy Bug...but that won't be till they are "out of Africa!" There were Facebook posts today from both Nathan and Kathy. They are staying busy--they had two programs planned for today and that plan was turning into four programs! Kathy says that Uganda is beautiful and that she loves it over there. Sounds like the weather has been very nice for them. What I keep seeing in my mind is the eyes of the orphaned children opening really wide when they see the Dazzling Dorrells' juggling programs. Definitely Nathan, Kathy and the children will be adding a bit of joy to their lives. I have also been working around the house trying to do a bit here and there to clean at least a little. Well, off to dance with the stars! (ha!ha!) And, then "maybe" back to cleaning?

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