Saturday, October 5, 2024

Another Day of “Organizing”

Really it was a day of just doing more of what I was doing yesterday. I needed to run a couple of errands in order to be able to continue. I needed a surge protector to plug Woody's laptop. And, I also wanted a pot of mums to add to the front door fall decorations. I decided that Lowe's would work for both of those items. In the end I got a bargain on the mum...they had a whole section of mums marked down probably due to the fact that they were pretty much in full bloom. But I decided that since I was going to have them on the front porch instead of in full sun, that a fully bloomed out one would work for me. I will just snip off the ones that become brown. Hopefully that won't happen to all the blooms at once. Once it is no longer pretty, I will see about digging a hole and planting it for next year. i also stopped at Office Max as I needed some labels. I want to label my notebook cookbooks on the spine so I and others will know what we are pulling off the shelf without having to look inside. One of the "organizational" things that I did was to clean up the pages of my "Tried and True" Recipes...I have the recipes in plastic sleeves in a notebook...some of those pages were looking pretty rough. So I went through and wiped off each of the pages...being sure that they were dry before turning to the next page. So I have a nice and clean looking recipe notebook of recipes that I use most often. I am checking my other notebook recipe books that I have complied over the years to see if any of those pages need to be wiped off. The funniest thing about the "Tried and True" was that the pumpkin pie recipe page and the pecan pie page were stuck a little more than the other pages...I discovered the reason...a very small drip of Karo syrup (ingredient in my pecan pie) had slightly glued them together. I have started putting labels on the spines...that will help when pulling the cookbooks off the shelf. I know the color of the notebooks...but if someone else needed to be cooking in my kitchen, this will make it easier for them. Anyway, it is some organizing that I want to do! I continued cleaning in the family room. I guess that I am in the mood to nest...getting ready to stay in more when cooler temperatures arrive. The folding chairs that go with the card table have upholstered seats...which had gotten a bit grubby looking. So I got out my little Green Machine and cleaned them. While I had that little shampooer out, I decided to clean an area of the carpet where a spill had occurred. With all that I have been vacuuming in there, too. I'm about finished...almost ready to remove the vacuum from the middle of the floor. I am ready to sit for the rest of the evening...might work some more on the cookbooks...or may stitch...or read? To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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