Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Totally Tuesday

I have definitely come to the end of my energy for this day. I am guessing that the earliness of my first awakening time may have something to do with it. I awakened at 4am and then ended up reading for a while till I was sleepy again...which happened about sun up time. I did go back to sleep for a couple of hours. After I got up, I sort of went about the house in slow motion. I did a little picking and straightening up. Looked up a couple of recipes, trying to decide what recipe I am going to cook next. By the time I did whatever little I did this morning, it was time for lunch and then time to go to the church library. Donna and I completed processing the last books from the last order. We got those put on the shelves and then got to looking at the shelves. We realized that once again space is at a premiun and in order to be able to put away some of the older new books that we needed to shift books on shelves to make space. Then we decided that it was time to do some book weeding. We took quite a few from the shelves that were really old and hadn't been checked out in years and pulled them off the shelf. Donna deleted them from our computer card catalogue and did the first step of preparing them to be able to discard them and not have them find their way back to our library. Inevitably discarded books do, at times, find their way back to our shelves. Today we had an example of this with one of the books. When Donna, pulled up one of the book numbers, the computer told her that it had been previously deleted...but we had just pulled it off the shelf and it had its card in it and had no markings that indicated that it had been deleted previously. We have not a clue...but guess that this time we will hope to do a better job of deleting it permanently! When I got back home, I got all the inside wastebaskets gathered and emptied them into the kitchen wastebasket. Got all that out to the big trash can and rolled it to the road. Took a couple of collapsed cardboard boxes to the curb and that about does my recycle and trash duties for this week. The mailperson must be really running late today, as she hadn't made it to my mailbox when I checked around 5:30...so my thank yous were still waiting for her to pick them up. I guess there was a lot of mail to handle today since it didn't run Sunday or Monday. I did catch a glipse of her truck one time...but it was heading away on the opposite side of the street rather than coming my way. I guess I will get today's mail tomorrow, as it is getting pretty dark out there now. And, I know that there wasn't much of any import coming my way today. I am informed early each morning, as to what will appear in my mailbox, if anything. That's something that I just recently signed up for and it does come in handy. I now know whether there is a reason to go out to the mailbox...if I don't get advised as to what is coming then I assume that there is nothing and don't go out to check. They don't show me advertising flyers so once in a while there is something...but nothing that can't wait for another day. Our temperatures seem to be dropping. Our overnight low was in the mid 30s. I don't think that I am ready for cold temperatures! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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