Friday, October 4, 2024

Look At That Smile!!!

Elijah got his braces off, finally, last week. Today was the first time that I had seen him since he got them off. I say "finally," as he has had them for a looooonnnng time. His original orthodontist, I think retired, and then another one took over. Different orthodontist = different Elijah has been through several methods of straightening his teeth. His teeth should be very straight!!!! He is happy to have them off after all this time. I had a plan, as to what I was going to do today. I did head in that getting ready to follow the original plan, I took a detour and worked on something else entirely...but it really did get me almost ready to do my original task. I got into an organizing mood...still working on finding places to put things and how to organize areas that hadn't been my areas before. I worked on getting a good spot to put the cameras I am using most these days. I want them where they can be gotten to easily. And, I think I managed that. I also decided that it was time to "claim" Woody's laptop so found a good place for it. I spent some time figuring it out...I have become so much an Apple user with my iPad and my iPhone that I am not used to Microsoft...though I have a microsoft laptop, too. Mine I pretty much use only for sewing these days...and, since I haven't done a whole lot of sewing, I am out of the habit of using Windows. I prefer Apple, I think. I am wanting to use Woody's laptop for working with photos. I did get that figured out a little bit. I also dried and put away a couple of loads of clothes. I came up with a new way to get the clothes from the dryer downstairs to my closet they will be less wrinkled by the time that I get them hung up upstairs. I am going to store extra hangers in the closet in the family room and hang up the clothes that go on hangers when I get them out of the dryer and then carry them upstairs on hangers. I have them hanging on the door into the kitchen at the moment...waiting for me to take them upstairs and put them into the closet. Seems like a good idea, at least for the moment...till I come up with another idea! I just worked a little more on making the family room work the best for me. I had worked on the side with my recliner and now I am working on the fireplace end of the room. Nathan and Elijah stopped by when I was doing some of the organizing and they carried off some books and other stuff to donate...good timing! I had Nathan move a couple of things away from the garage walls so it would be easier for me to get in and out of the car. The other day I almost needed to be a contortionist to get out of the car. Our big leaf blower was next to my car door and didn't allow me to open the door very far. I got him to move the leaf blower up next to the steps where the bicycles used to be stored...and, we threw a couple of other things away so that should help me to be able to get in and out of the car without having to twist and turn and duck so much! Nathan and Elijah also went over to check out their former house's back yard. Our new neighbor is digging a hole for an in-ground pool. I have stayed at home today after all my galavanting this week. I enjoyed my activities this week, but it was also very nice to just stay home today. And, I am glad to have gotten a little more organizing done. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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