Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Totally Tuesday

I have been getting ready for Melany, Wade, and Erin to pay me a visit tomorrow. They are coming for an appointment here in Tullahoma and then coming to visit me for a little while. They will be here for lunch. We had thought about eating out, but since I have been going through recipes, it seems like I should make one of those recipes. After lunch, Donna and I worked in the library for a couple of hours...processing books and doing maintenance and changing a book display table. After I left the church, I headed to the grocery store to get a couple of items that I needed for the recipe that I decided to make. I needed some tomatillos and the grocery store down the street usually has them, but today they only had six left...so I had to go to Kroger, too. The funniest thing about going to Kroger was that the check-out person must not have known what tomatillos are as when I looked at the receipt after getting home, she had charged me for brussell sprouts. (rolling eyes!). I haven't bothered to see if brussell sprouts or tomatillos are more expensive per pound...too late now as I have already made the green salsa that I need for the recipe. I have also cooked the chicken thighs (had boneless chicken thighs in the freezer). After cooking them, I shredded them while they were still warm with my Kitchen Aid mixer...I knew that I could do that, but had never tried it before. Worked great! The major parts of tomorrow's lunch recipe are now done. I will put the rest of it together in the morning and pop it in the oven a little before they are supposed to arrive. I'm ready to sit for a while now. I have started cleaning up the kitchen, but still have a few more dishes to put into the dishwasher and a few to wash by hand. I also have a load of wash to get out of the dryer and put away...but other than that and the kitchen, I am done in for the day! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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